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genetic screening是什么意思_怎么读

genetic screening

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n.1.the practice of examining someones genes in order to find out what illnesses may be likely to affect them

1.遗传病筛查 遗传标记 genetic marker 遗传病筛查 genetic screening 基因组 genome ...

2.遗传筛查jaculatory Urinalysis) 正常遗传学筛查(Genetic Screening)正常 匹俦的检查 遗传学筛查(Genetic Screening) 正常 医生认为自然...

4.基因筛检 genetic polymorphism 遗传性多态现象 genetic screening 遗传筛选 genetic variability 遗传变异性 ...

8.遗传映像可以对每一个病人制定出最理想的疗程。但是在这些技术实现之前,必须解决伴随着遗传映像genetic screening)而产生的 …


1.Conclusion A certain number of HNPCC families can be benefited from the genetic screening for mutation of the mismatch repair genes.结论错配修复基因的突变筛选可帮助、指导临床对HNPCC家系进行严密监控。

2.Insurance companies may be genetic screening information to predict the expected life of customers.保险公司可由基因筛检资料预知客户的预估寿命。

3.But it does mean that talk of a "gene for dyslexia" , or genetic screening for personality or ability, is seriously misguided.但是它意味着所说的“用于语言缺失障碍的基因”,或检测个性和能力的基因是严重的误导。

4.She and her colleagues conclude that, given the cost involved, genetic screening is not worthwhile in a clinical context.她和她的同事得出结论:考虑到遗传筛查所需费用,现在还不值得在临床上引入。

5.But a wide range of genetic screening will rise to a series of social problems.但是广泛的基因筛检将会引起一连串的社会问题。

6.For women, genetic screening offers the hope of better understanding the likelihood that they'll develop breast cancer.遗传筛查为妇女提供了一个希望,那就是让她们更好的了解自己患上乳腺癌的几率。

7.Certain blood tests and ultrasounds are commonly available genetic screening tests in pregnancy.血液检查和超音波检查是常用的妊娠遗传筛检。

8.Haploid development in zebrafish has been applied for genetic screening.对斑马鱼以开展了单倍体发育的遗传学筛选。

9.Finding tetrachromats through genetic screening is one thing. Proving they can see tens of millions of additional colors is another.通过基因筛选找到四色视者是一回事,证明她们可以看到千万种更多的色彩则是另一回事。

10.The answer for the genetic screening was 59. 7%, whereas the answer for the question-based Gail model was 58%.遗传筛查模式的答案是59.7%,而基于问卷调查的盖尔模式的答案是58%。