造句带翻译释义:1.I try to tell them that there have been a lot of genocides.我试图告诉她们,世上有许许多多种族屠杀的事情。
2.The most wanted man in Africa is accused of being the driving force behind one of the worst genocides in human history.非洲头号通缉犯被指控为人类历史上最严重的种族屠杀的幕后黑手。
3.I, personally, use Columbus Day as a day to remember the victims of genocide, and reflect on why genocides happen.我,更愿意叫这一天为“哥伦布日”,为了纪念大屠杀的受难者,并反思大屠杀发生的原因。
4.Or the frightful Mirjana, widow of Milosevic, a ferocious denier of the genocides committed by Serbs loyal to her husband.还有米莉亚娜姆亚,这个米洛舍维奇的寡妇,狰狞着脸否认所有对她丈夫效忠的塞尔维亚人犯下的罪行。
5.It is hard not to think of deportations and genocides, a recurrent theme in Boltanski's art.很难不去联想到放逐和大屠杀,一个在波尔坦斯基的艺术中惯用的主题。
6.History is replete with examples of wars, invasions, genocides, and empire building.历史充满了战争,侵略,有计划的灭种,屠杀和帝国的建立。
7.Can we stop wars and genocides and get rid of evil dictators? Can we then build modern, democratic states that thrive in our wake?我们可以阻止战争、种族灭绝的发生并且远离邪恶的独裁者吗?
8.If Darfur's crisis is genocide, then there are many other genocides happening throughout Africa right now.如果达尔富尔的灾难是灭种的话,那现在于非洲就有许多其他灭种在发生中。
9.Can we stop wars and genocides and get rid of evil dictators?我们能够阻止战争和屠杀吗?我们能够消灭掉那些邪恶的独裁者吗?
10.Gun control has cleared the way for seven major genocides since 1915枪支管制清除障碍七大灭族自1915年。