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美式发音: [dʒent] 英式发音: [dʒent]





1.男士;绅士;先生a man; a gentleman

a gent's hairdresser男宾理发师

This way please, ladies and gents!女士们,先生们,请这边走!

2.[sing](informal)男厕所;男卫生间;男盥洗室a public toilet/bathroom for men

Is there a gents near here?附近有男厕所吗?

Where's the gents?男厕所在哪儿?


n.1.a gentleman2.a way of speaking to or referring to the men in a large group3.the mens bathroom in a public place

1.根特 each:adj. 各自的, 每个的, 每一 gent:n. 绅士, 假绅士,男厕 ROM:n. [计]只读存储器 ...

3.比利时 ... Jakarta, 印尼 Gent, 比利时 Kuala Lumpur, 马来西亚 ...

4.真特 联赛积分 www.raooo网址被屏蔽 真特 Gent 利亚斯 Lierse ...

5.绅男 Forum《 阁楼论坛》: Gent绅男》: Velvet《 天鹅之绒》: ...

6.绅士系列 CP 帽子 GENT 绅士系列 CASUAL 随性自我 ...

7.家伙 genome 基因组,染色体组 gent 假绅士;家伙 gentility 高贵的出身 ...

8.精灵 - 优尼康 Unicorn - 精灵 GENT - 安舍 ESSER ...


1.What he does for charity - the FACT he took time to visit the Troops in Afghanistan - well done, David. As I said, a true gent.他为慈善做了许多,事实上,他花时间来看望阿富汗的军队,做得好,大卫,正如我所说,一个真正的绅士。

2.Soon created 4 big letters G, E, N and T, on which the habitat of Ghent (GENT) was represented by means of scale models.很快他们就设计了四个大字母GENT,在这几个字母上,根特城的面貌通过不同比例的模型得以呈现。

3.When talking to your French friends to describe the boorish gent you were trapped with at a party.当你对你的法国朋友描述你在舞会上认识的某个粗俗的家伙。

4.It was only then that an elderly gent strolled out of the sauna without so much as seeing us.就在我们完事的时候,一个老男人从桑拿房里溜达出来,差一点看到我们做坏事。

5.The company already works with Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School in Belgium and Skolkovo in Moscow.该公司已与比利时弗拉瑞克-鲁汶-根特管理学院(VlerickLeuvenGentManagementSchool)和莫斯科Skolkovo商学院建立了合作。

6.Then it is the same. If the national crown-piece is an old hat, then the thieving gent may have it.如果民族的王冠是一顶旧帽子,窃贼就可以摘走它。

7.The whole system is composed of local sub-systems and a global communicating and authenticating a-gent.系统的总框架由区域审计子系统和全局通信认证代理组成;

8.Study of safety of Biqi capsule is therefore in ur-gent need to lay down generally accepted criterion of control and safety.因此,急需开展有关痹祺胶囊安全性研究工作以制定国内、外公认的保证其质量和安全的控制标准。

9.Hmm. I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. Oh, well. I'll just ask this gent in the fancy knickerbockers .嗯。我知道在阿尔布开克应该朝左转。哦,好吧。我来问问这个穿着灯笼裤的搞笑家伙。

10.The gent has taken off his clothes and put on his bathing-suit, but the water is getting colder and there is an autumn nip in the air.那位绅士已脱去衣服,穿上浴衣,可惜水越来越冷,而且空中也有秋季的寒风。