美式发音: [dʒenˈtil] 英式发音: [dʒenˈtiːl]adj.显得彬彬有礼的;假斯文的;上流社会的;装体面的
genteel显示所有例句adj.1.显得彬彬有礼的;假斯文的;上流社会的;装体面的;装出绅士派头的quiet and polite, often in an exaggerated way; from, or pretending to be from, a high social class
a genteel manner彬彬有礼
Her genteel accent irritated me.她那矫揉造作的腔调使我感到恼火。
He lived in genteel poverty(= trying to keep the style of a high social class, but with little money) .他摆出一副绅士派头,过的却是穷酸的生活。
2.幽静的;古朴单调的quiet and old-fashioned and perhaps slightly boring
adj.1.typical of polite well-educated people belonging to a high social class who have strict moral standards and are easily shocked by anything rude; lived in by rich polite people and not very lively, exciting, or modern2.trying to appear as if you are genteel
1.有教养的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 ...
2.文雅的 genial a. 和蔼的,亲切的,友善的 genteel a. 有教养的,文雅的 genealogy n. 系谱,宗谱, …
3.上流社会的 genre n. 题材,风格 genteel adj. 上流社会的 gentility n. 有教养,文雅 ...
4.文绉绉 ... 文治〖 achievementsincultureandeducation〗 文绉绉〖 genteel〗 文梓〖 Chinesecatalpawiththestreaks〗 ...
5.优雅的 genre 类型,流派 genteel 优雅的 germinate 发芽 ...
6.装作彬彬有礼的 装作彬彬有礼的 genteel ...
7.有礼貌的 genre n 类型;流派(通常指文学等类型) genteel a 高雅的;有礼貌的 engender v 产生 ...
造句带翻译释义:,显得彬彬有礼的,假斯文的,上流社会的,装体面的,有教养的,文雅的,文绉绉1.Four thousand a year is a pretty estate, and he seems a very genteel, steady young man, so I hope Miss Julia will be very happy.一年四千英镑是一笔数目可观的财产,加上他看上去又是个很有教养、很稳重的青年,我想朱莉娅小姐会非常幸福。
2.Tess could whistle like most other country girls, though the accomplishment was one which she did not care to profess in genteel company.苔丝同大多数乡下姑娘一样会吹口哨,虽然她在体面人面前不愿承认会这门技艺。
3.TAKING your hat off at the door may seem like a throwback to a more genteel age.进门脱帽的礼节仿佛让时光倒流,一下子回到了彬彬有礼的年代。
4.Jane's genteel nature allowed her to be comfortable in posh environments.(简优雅的天性使得她在上流社会里也能应付自如。)
5.Her father, Harold Beauchamp, was a banker and her mother, Annie Burnell Dyer, was of genteel origins.她的父亲,哈罗德波尚是一个银行家和她的母亲,安妮Burnell戴尔,是上流社会的起源。
6.He was only a soft -hearted grateful fellow , and had nothing genteel or polite about him .他只是一个心肠软、知道感恩图报的人,并不懂得什么派头和礼貌。
7.It was strangely easy to converse with this genteel hunter.与这个优雅的捕猎者交谈轻松得有些奇怪。
8.Some researchers claim that it was common at this time for genteel women to pluck them off, since they were considered to be unsightly .一些研究人员声称它是常见的在这个时候为柔弱的妇女拿出它们赶走,因为他们被认为是有碍观瞻。
9.A shabbily-genteel individual, with a red nose and an old high hat, was sipping a quiet glass of ale alone at one end of the bar.酒吧的一头有一个寒酸却又要体面的人,长着红鼻子,戴着顶旧礼帽,在那里安安静静地喝着淡啤酒。
10.Mr. Micawber, not a Bit changed, came into the room with a genteel and youthful air.米考伯先生跟先前完全一样,优游文雅、宛如青年,进了屋里。