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美式发音: [ˈdʒenˌtaɪl] 英式发音: [ˈdʒentaɪl]






1.非犹太人;外邦人(犹太人对非犹太人的通称)a person who is not Jewish



n.1.someone who is not Jewish

adj.1.concerning religions and cultures that are not Jewish

1.非犹太人 genteel a. 有教养的,上流的,优雅的 gentile n. 非犹太人,异邦人,异教徒 gentry n. 贵族们 ...

2.外邦人 genteel a. 有教养的,上流的,优雅的 gentile n. 非犹太人,异邦人,异教徒 gentry n. 贵族们 ...

4.詹蒂莱 genteel a. 有教养的,上流的,优雅的 gentile n. 非犹太人,异邦人,异教徒 gentry n. 贵族们 ...

6.非犹太人的 revile - vt. 辱骂,痛斥 gentile - adj. 非犹太人的;异教徒的 disciple - n. 门徒;信徒 ...


1.and if he refuses to hear the church also, let him be to you just like the Gentile and the tax collector.他若连召会也不听,就把他当作外邦人和税吏。

2.Gentile said the impact of screen time on school work can be mitigated by what he calls "protective factors. "珍特尔说荧屏时代对学习工作的影响可以通过他所谓的“保护性因素”来减轻。

3.The disciples finally seemed to understand this point, since the gospel went from Jerusalem to the Gentile world through their witness.门徒们最后似乎明白了耶稣所说的,因为福音透过他们的见证,从耶路撒冷传播到异教的世界。

4.Claudio Gentile's all-new Azzurrini got off to a flying start with a 2-0 victory over Norway, even if it was marred by a petulant red card.克劳迪奥詹蒂莱的全新的意大利青年队以一个2:0战胜挪威的胜利来了个开门红,即使因为冲动吃到了一张红牌!

5.They were Jews, but one of them carried a Roman passport and was well versed in the wisdom of the Gentile world.他们是犹太人,但其中一个持有罗马护照,还通晓非犹太族的智慧。

6.Tribes with gentile constitution were thus bound to gain supremacy over more backward tribes, or else to carry them along by their example.这样,实行氏族制度的部落便必然会对落后的部落取得上风,或者带动它们来仿效自己。

7.As a doctor's daughter, she had been brought up in a house that was open to anyone in pain or need, Jew or gentile.作为医生的女儿,她生长的家庭的大门,随时都对任何有痛苦或需要的人开放,无论是犹太人,还是非犹太人。

8.In contrast to the old gentile organization, the state is distinguished firstly by the grouping of its members on a territorial basis.国家和旧的氏族组织不同的地方,第一点就是它按地区来划分它的国民。

9.The archive also illustrates the tension that exists between the Jewish and gentile experience of the war in Poland.这些档案也描述了战争期间存在于波兰犹太人和非犹太人之间的紧张关系。

10.There must be something in a healthy Gentile that excites the Jewish mind, like when he sees sour black bread.一个健康的非犹太人身上准有某种叫犹太人激动的东西,就像他看到发酸的黑面包一样。