美式发音: [dʒenˈtɪləti] 英式发音: [dʒen'tɪləti]n.文雅;彬彬有礼;高贵的身份;幽静古朴
gentility显示所有例句n.1.文雅;彬彬有礼;高贵的身份very good manners and behaviour; the fact of belonging to a high social class
He took her hand with discreet gentility.他温文尔雅地牵着她的手。
She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility.她认为昂贵的服装是身份高贵的标志。
2.幽静古朴the fact of being quiet and old-fashioned
the faded gentility of the town已失去古朴风貌的城镇
n.1.a polite way of behaving, considered typical of people belonging to a high social class; the people who belong to a high social class, thought of as a group2.a false way of behaving that is intended to make people believe you belong to a high social class
1.文雅 genteel adj. 上流社会的 gentility n. 有教养,文雅 gentry n. 贵族 ...
2.有教养 genteel adj. 上流社会的 gentility n. 有教养,文雅 gentry n. 贵族 ...
3.出身高贵 naissance1. 诞生 gentility1. 出身高贵,上流社会 bumpkin1. 乡下人,土包子 ...
4.上流 ... immaturity 未成熟;生硬 gentility 上流;优美;郑重 vacillating 犹豫的;优柔寡断的 ...
5.上流社会 naissance1. 诞生 gentility1. 出身高贵,上流社会 bumpkin1. 乡下人,土包子 ...
6.绅仕优雅 Simplicity: 英式简约; Gentility: 绅仕优雅; Individuality: 独特个性; ...
7.附庸风雅的气息 a whiff of 一点 gentility 附庸风雅的气息 java 爪哇咖啡 ...
8.绅士风度或气派条件下,在土地关系变革与工商业发展的经济趋势 中,绅士风度或气派 (gentility)逐渐成为衡量上层等级的一个重要标志。
造句带翻译释义:,文雅,彬彬有礼,高贵的身份,幽静古朴,有教养,出身高贵,上流1.Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility.凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。
2.But I thought her a young lady of extraordinary attractions, and in point of gentility not be surpassed.但是我却认为,她是一个特别有动人之处的青年小姐,在风度方面,别人很难胜过她。
3.He emitted a laboured breath, as if the scene were getting rather oppressive to his heart, or to his conscience, or to his gentility .他沉重地呼了一口气,仿佛当时的情景使他的良心感受到了压力,使他的良知和脸面也感受到了压力。
4.I am going to hunt words that have not lost their sting, and it may be I shall have to go back to gentility to find them.我将要狩猎没有遗失他们的刺字,而且它可能是我将必须回去高贵找他们。 not much ~ in a lion; he has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility.狮子为害其实不大。它没有理想,没有宗教,没有政治,没有骑士精神,也讲究斯文。
6.The Wang family occupies two rooms. Old Wang and I are considered the genteel folk in the compound. Gentility to be hanged!王家住着两间房。我和老王是院子里公认的学问人。天杀的学问!
7.There is not much harm in a lion; he has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility.狮子为害不大;它没有理想、没有宗教、没有政治、没有骑士精神、没有假斯文。
8.All his Southern gentlewoman are delicate and sensitive women who best represent the culture and gentility of the Old South.她们娇弱而敏感,都是来自美国南方上流社会的南方淑女,是旧南方文化和教养的最佳代言人。
9.You want a perfume that shows what you stand for - independence, simplicity and gentility. The fragrance to suit you is Elizabeth Arden.体现独立、简单和优雅气质的香水通常是你的首选,伊丽莎白-雅顿正好能满足你的需要。
10.Diner is over. Demi-tastes, cigars and brandy. The overall effect is one of worn elegance and dogged gentility. It is June. Night.六月的夜里,晚餐结束后,人们品着咖啡,抽着雪茄,喝着白兰地,气氛高雅而文明。