美式发音: [ˈdʒent(ə)lmənli] 英式发音: ['dʒent(ə)lmənli]adj.彬彬有礼的;绅士风度的;绅士派头的
gentlemanly显示所有例句adj.1.彬彬有礼的;绅士风度的;绅士派头的behaving very well and showing very good manners; like a gentleman
gentlemanly behaviour绅士般的举止
So far, the election campaign has been a very gentlemanly affair.到目前为止,竞选活动都秩序良好。
adj.1.a gentlemanly man behaves in a polite way and considers other people’s feelings
1.绅士派头的 ... gentlemanlike 举止高雅的 gentlemanly 绅士派头的 gentlemanship 绅士的身分 ...
2.绅士风度的 Generous( 慷慨的): Gentlemanly( 绅士风度的): Optimistic( 乐观的): ...
3.有绅士风度的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 active 主动的,活跃的 ...
4.绅士的 respect 尊敬,敬重 gentlemanly 绅士的,绅士似的 sneeze 喷嚏;打喷嚏 ...
5.绅士风格从表面上看,她的写法和色诺芬绅士风格(gentlemanly)式的写法——这是一种只提美好的东西而实际上却暗示所有的那些都 …
造句带翻译释义:,彬彬有礼的,绅士风度的,绅士派头的,有绅士风度的,绅士的,绅士风格1.Smith later said he couldn't recall the grade given to his paper, but he guessed it was his "usual gentlemanly C" (. pdf file).史密斯后来说,他记不得论文的得分了,不过他猜想总归是他常得的“体面的C”吧。
2.It is all very gentlemanly, and at least a sport the British are actually quite good at.曲棍球同样也是一种非常绅士的运动,而且英国在曲棍球上也一直保有优势。
3.These details appeared on clothes cut from the kind of traditional fabrics that would have dressed climbers in a more gentlemanly era.这些细节出现在衣服把种传统面料,以一种更绅士穿着登山者的时代。
4.But if he stepped aside, as gentlemanly conduct arguably required, he would lose credit for a theory that he had independently propounded.但如果他要成全自己的君子行为,他将失去一个创立独立的机会。
5.Jackson was a southwestern parvenu who combined a sense of rough-hewn egalitarianism with the gentlemanly honor typical of his class.杰克逊是一个来自南方的新贵,身上充满了属于他那个阶层的典型特征:融合了最初的平等主义和具有绅士派头的荣耀。
6.Mr. Post said he thought Ethan might be willing to apologize for not being more gentlemanly, but. Well.波斯特先生说他认为伊森可能愿意为自己的行为不够绅士而道歉,那么,你想要伊森道歉吗?
7.I saw right away he was a fine-appearing, gentlemanly young man, and when he told me he was an Oggsford I knew I could use him good.我一眼就看出他是个仪表堂堂、文质彬彬的年轻人,等他告诉我他上过牛劲,我就知道我可以派他大用。
8.Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。
9.You see I never allow myself to behave like that. I keep up a gentlemanly tone with my clients: few words, politeness and severity.您知道吗,我是从不允许自己这么放肆的,我对待顾客,口气总是客客气气的:既有礼貌,又非常严肃,说话是很少的。
10.Undeniably, featuring a handsome man with a long face, the surface, installed in the very gentlemanly.不可否认,韦翰长着一张英俊的脸,表面上也装得非常绅士。