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美式发音: [ˈdʒent(ə)lˌwʊmən] 英式发音: ['dʒent(ə)l.wʊmən]





1.贵妇人;有教养的妇女;淑女a woman who belongs to a high social class; a woman who is well educated and has excellent manners

2.(对立法机构女议员的称呼)女士,夫人used to address or refer to a female member of a legislature , for example the House of Representatives


n.1网站屏蔽ed by a member of a legislature for referring to a woman member2.an old word for a woman who was well educated or from a high social class

1.淑女 斯文: gentle,refined 淑女gentlewoman 斯文的: gentle,refined ...

2.侍女 ◎ 侍 shì (1) 侍妾;侍女[ gentlewoman] ...

3.贵妇 ... genuineness n. 真正, 真实 gentlewoman n. 淑女, 贵妇 gerontocacy n. 老人统治, 老人政治 ...

4.贵妇人 gentility n. 高贵的出身 gentlewoman n. 良家妇女,淑女,贵妇人 geyser n. 天然热喷泉 ...

5.侍卫 ... (阿拉伯故事中的)神怪, 妖怪. genital (君主或国王的)侍卫. gentlewoman 地理政治(学)的; 地缘政治(学)的…



1.Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility.凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。

2."Just a wicked nightmare, " squeaked The Gentlewoman, once the smelling salts had been applied and it came to.“一个邪恶的梦魇”,贵妇人尖叫着,给她用了嗅盐她才苏醒过来。

3.All his Southern gentlewoman are delicate and sensitive women who best represent the culture and gentility of the Old South.她们娇弱而敏感,都是来自美国南方上流社会的南方淑女,是旧南方文化和教养的最佳代言人。

4.I had no sooner said so but the other gentlewoman cried out, "A pickpocket! "我一喊,那位太太也跟着喊道,“有扒手!”

5.Long to share a lifelong journey of mutual love, respect and understanding with an attractive and kindhearted gentlewoman.他渴望能够有一个迷人且善心的女人与他共享生命的旅程,彼此互敬互爱,举案齐眉。

6.The little gentlewoman might set up for herself if she pleased.这位小贵妇人如果高兴,现在可以自立门户了。

7.It helps if you say it in the wispy voice of a dying Southern gentlewoman. GRAMMAR NAZIS HATE THAT.你用奄奄一息的南方贵妇口气说出来会好一些,语法纳粹们不喜欢这样。

8.However, the question is how many men deserve a lady of such a high gentlewoman quotient.可现在的问题是,有多少男人配得上如此高淑商的女子呢?

9.A young gentlewoman without visible relations had always struck her as a flower without foliage .一位年轻小姐身边没有几个亲戚,就好比红花没有绿叶。

10.Flower blossoms in daytime, also in night, no matter in quiet or noisy places, they always keep gentlewoman status.花朵开放在白天,也开放在晚间,无论静谧热闹,始终保持娴雅的姿态。