genuine article
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造句带翻译释义:,真品,真货1.The genuine article is a hard cheese, made of unpasteurised milk, and sold under the name "Emmentaler Cheese from Switzerland. "真正的硬奶酪是由未加热杀菌的牛奶制成,并以“瑞士的艾门塔尔奶酪”的名字出售。
2.Not all customers were bothered by the revelations that the store was not the genuine article.并不是所有消费者都对这是个假店感到烦恼。
3.something that looks like the genuine article but has opposite results.它是看上去像真货,可是却带来的结果相反的某样东西。
4.In contrast to these one may sometimes find, at high tea at the Delhi Polo Club or in the lounge of the Taj hotel, the genuine article.与上述情况不同,在德里马球俱乐部或是泰姬旅馆的会客厅里我们会发现一些真正的质朴。
5.Beneath the bodywork, it soon becomes clear that it is not the genuine article.透过车身,很快就会发现它并非真材实料。
6.Most are the genuine article, now that many bogus colleges have been closed.由于许多假冒的大学都已关闭,他们中大多数都读的是正规院校。
7.Unlike Monsieur Yquem's dodgy plonk, this book is the genuine article.不像以奎姆酒先生精心包装过的劣等廉价葡萄酒,本书是货真价实的好文章。
8.It was the genuine article.不,这可是真货。
9.Beauty that is merely the artificial shadow of these symptoms of health is intrinsically of poorer quality than the genuine article.这种美貌仅仅是健康征兆的人工影子,比起真实的物品只是是虚弱的本质。(这句很怪异…)
10."A sham wedding, " retorted another. "We are the genuine article. "“假的,”另一个说,“我们才是真的。”