美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒɛnjʊɪnnɪs]n.真正的
1.真诚 gentleness 温顺,柔和,亲切 genuineness 真正,真实性 gild 镀金;涂以金色 ...
3.真实性 1.Unique a. 独一无二的 2.Genuineness n. 真品 3.Fake n. 膺品、伪造品 ...
6.真挚 genuine hallucination 真性幻觉 genuineness 真挚 genus 类 ...
7.真诚一致113—161.)在其心理治疗的方法论中,则涉及到真诚一致(genuineness)、 无条件积极关注(unconditional positive regard…
造句带翻译释义:,真正的,真诚,真实性,真品1.I was impressed by his perspective and attitude on many subjects. He would talk with such affection and genuineness about everything.我非常欣赏他面对许多事物的看法和态度,而且不管谈论什麽话题他总是充满了热情和真诚。
2.Genuineness of teaching materials only will not be able to guarantee the truthless or authenticity for learners.仅有教学材料的真实不一定能够让学习者感到真实可信。
3.It may be a cake walk to hire one in no time, but, definitely not when you have to make sure the genuineness of the company which is a must.它可能是一个蛋糕步行雇用没有时间,但是,绝对不是当你必须确保该公司是必须的真实性。
4.Truth here denotes the genuineness, the sincerity, of God as a divine virtue becoming a human virtue as an issue of the divine reality.这里的真诚是指神的真实,真诚,乃是神圣的美德成了人的美德,作神圣实际的流出。
5.There was no spontaneity, no genuineness.不是自然的,不是真心的。
6.We do not buy and sell any collectibles, but rather we only provide our professional expertise on their quality and genuineness .我们不会购买或者销售任何收藏品,我们只会提供收藏品在质量和真实性方面的专家意见。
7.Their genuineness was, so far as possible, insured by confiding them to the recollection of a limited portion of the community.正是由于它们被托付于社会中少数人的记忆力,习惯的真实性才能尽可能地得到保证。
8.Where relevant domestic investigations or prosecutions exist, the Office will assess their genuineness.如果相关国对相关案件的调查和诉讼存在,检办将评估这些材料的真实性。
9.The publicity of governmental information shall comply with the principles of legitimacy, timeliness, genuineness and impartiality .政府信息公开应当遵循合法、及时、真实和公正的原则。
10.Whereas some cultures view direct eye contact as impolite or threatening, Americans see it as a sign of genuineness and honesty.然而某些文化的人认为直接的凝视是不礼貌而具有威胁感的;美国人认为这是一个真挚诚恳的表征。