美式发音: ['dʒentrɪfaɪ] 英式发音: ['dʒentrɪfaɪ]v.使(地区、人等)贵族化
网络释义:高级住宅区;士绅化过去分词:gentrified 现在分词:gentrifying 第三人称单数:gentrifies 同义词
gentrify显示所有例句v.1.[usupass]~ sth/sb使(地区、人等)贵族化;对(地区、人等)进行改造以适应较高阶层的人to change an area, a person, etc. so that they are suitable for, or can mix with, people of a higher social class than before
Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified.这个城市工人居住的老城区正在进行改造以适应较高阶层人士。 transform a run-down or aging neighborhood into a more prosperous one, e.g. through investment in remodeling buildings or transform a traditionally working-class area into a middle-class neighbourhood, usually at the expense of local character and with the result that property becomes unaffordable for local people
1.化治、后设政治和超政治──当中所得的因此是,企图高档化(gentrify)政治的真正创伤之维:在古希腊,某种以城邦(polis) 之名 …
2.高级住宅区论著旧金山中下阶级住宅区渐渐全面被收购,计画改造为高级住宅区(gentrify),租金管制措施却被忽略,许多人将面临排 …
造句带翻译释义:,使贵族化,高级住宅区,士绅化1.These migrants, just like the peasant Big-Foot girls, are eager to bind their feet, to gentrify themselves physically and mentally.这些新城市移民就像那些缠足的农村姑娘一样,迫不及待地要在肉体和精神上变成贵族。
2.gentrify a row of Victorian houses.使一排维多利亚式建筑的所有权遭受恶化