美式发音: [ˈdʒentri] 英式发音: ['dʒentri]n.绅士阶层;上流社会人士
n.working class
n.upper class,nobility,aristocracy,elite,ruling class
gentry显示所有例句n.1.绅士阶层;上流社会人士people belonging to a high social class
the local gentry当地的绅士阶层
the landed gentry(= those who own a lot of land)乡绅
n.1.贵族们,绅士们;〈英〉(仅次于贵族的)绅士阶级,上等人士;可以使用纹章的平民2.〈谑,蔑〉人们,伙伴 old word for people from a high social class
1.绅士 米娜 Mina 名流 gentry 莎翁 shaweng ...
3.贵族们 yeomanry 自由民(总称) gentry 绅士们,贵族们 pigeonry 鸽舍,鸽棚 ...
4.士绅中国古代士绅(gentry)开始对佛教并不感兴趣。出家修行(monasticism)与中国古代重视家庭和君主的儒家核心原则(core …
5.乡绅乡绅(Gentry)按照英国传统的定义是指拥有一定的土地和财产并经纹章院(The Collage of Heralds)授予佩带盾形纹章(Coa…
6.金特里 太阳主帅金特里(Gentry)说:“我们一直都很相信队中板凳球员的能力,他们今晚发挥出最大的能量,尽自己最大的能力帮助 …
7.绅士阶级下层阶级留恋于简单样式,而地方绅士阶级(gentry)仍处保守。因此,在英国乡间,橡木家具在胡桃木时代(Walnut Age) …
造句带翻译释义:,绅士阶层,上流社会人士,名流,贵族们,士绅1.His father was a wealth sugar planter and his mother came from the Cuban landed gentry.爸爸是富裕的甘蔗种植园主,妈妈来自古巴地主阶级。
2.She was an old woman who for twenty years had brought the neighbouring gentry into the world.她是个上了年纪的女人,二十年来,邻近的许许多多上层社会的绅士们都是由她接生的。
3.Now he was a goodlooking man, and his wife felt sure the "gentry" were coveting him.鉴于他相貌英俊,奥姆斯比太太相信“上等人”正觊觎着他。
4.Both her mother and father were descended from a Polish form of landed gentry.玛丽娅的父母都出身于波兰的地主贵族门第。
5.Seahorse daddy "lived" the last small seahorse , was pointing at own mothering bag, had a look at the gentry fish mischievously they.海马爸爸“生”完了最后一个小海马,指着自己的育儿袋,调皮地看看绅鱼他们。
6.One ingenious township peasant association arrested an obnoxious member of the gentry and announced that he was to be crowned that very day.有一个乡农会很巧妙,捉了一个劣绅来,声言今天要给他戴高帽子。
7.Although the vote was extended, power was still in the hands of the landed gentry and men of property. For many this did not go far enough.尽管拓阔投票权,权力仍然由拥有土地的乡绅和财主把持.对于很多人而言远未足够。
8.He worked as an intellectual property lawyer for less than two years before feeling the math bug again.在他再次对数学着迷之前,Gentry知识产权律师的身份工作了差不多两年的时间。
9.Gentry's graduate advisor Dan Boneh, a professor of computer science and electrical engineering, said the work is groundbreaking.Gentry的研究生导师DanBoneh是一位计算机科学和电子工程学教授,他说这项工作极富创新。
10.Impetuous and hot blooded gentry, armed with pikes and excellent armour, this elite unit is one of the best pike units available.冒险者部队由冲动无畏的贵族们组成,配备精良链甲或板甲,使用长枪作战,堪称最为精锐的长枪步兵。