美式发音: [ˌdʒiəˈɡræfɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiːəˈɡræfɪk(ə)l]adj.地理学的
adj.+n.geographical variation,geographical region
adj.1.relating to an area or place, or to its geography
na.1.The variant of geographic
1.地理的 geometric 几何的 geographical 地理的 actress 女演员 ...
2.地理学的 geography 地理 geographical 地理学的 geographic location 地理位置 ...
3.地理上的 Infiltrate 秘密地潜入 Geographical 地理上的 Economy of scale 规模经 …
4.地理学上的 explanation 解释,说明 geographical 地理学上的,地理的 dozen 一打 ...
6.地理杂志 Newsociety( 新社会) Geographical( 地理杂志) Nature( 自然) ...
造句带翻译释义:,地理学的,地理的,地理上的,地理学上的1.The historical geographical environment, is often the essential condition for social material life and social development.历史地理环境,是社会物质生活和社会发展的经常必要条件。
2.Geographical concept, Iceland is often considered part of the five Nordic countries.地理概念上,冰岛经常被视为是北欧五国的一份子。
3.The geographical and cultural separation of the company from its marketplaces causes great difficulty in communicating effectively.地域限制和文化差距,给公司和市场的交流造成困难。
4.Regional cuisine as a style is an expression of its own geographical and cultural context as well as its culinary traditions.区域作为一种风格美食是其自身的地理和文化背景下的表达就像其烹饪传统一样。
5.The Group continued to maintain a balanced portfolio in terms of geographical spread and product categories.无论是市场组合或产品组合,仍然维持健康的比例水平。
6.And, for the rest of Europe, there is a lot to be said for having a strong economy at the continent's geographical and political centre.而且,欧洲其余国家也对这块大陆的地理和政治中心拥有强大经济力量赞誉颇多。
7.As the world's "the kingdom from the sun, recently, Ecuador's fame was mostly due to its unique geographical position. "作为地球上“离太阳最近的国度”,厄瓜多尔的名气大多来源于它独特的地理位置。
8.A cluster of tea sellers in one of Juba's main markets voiced the desire of many to hold onto the geographical reference as well.一些在朱巴主要集市的茶商聚集处,许多人呼吁名字还应保留“南部”的地理特征。
9.Included in all this are features like the location tool, which breaks down search results within a particular geographical location.所有的这些都像是定位工具的特征,打破了搜索结果在一个特定的地理学位置内。
10.The above declaration is without prejudice to the case of the major criminals, whose offenses have no particular geographical localization.上述宣言不影响首恶元凶的案件,他们所犯的罪行不限于某一个特定的地方。