美式发音: [dʒiˈɑɡrəfi] 英式发音: [dʒiːˈɒɡrəfi]n.地理环境;地形;地势;地理(学)
网络释义:地理学;地理科;地理系复数:geographies 搭配同义词
adj.+n.human geography geography,know geography
n.topography,natural features,characteristics,layout
geography显示所有例句n.1.[u]地理(学)the scientific study of the earth's surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc.
human/physical/economic/social geography人文╱自然╱经济╱社会地理学
a geography lesson/department/teacher/textbook地理课╱系╱教师╱课本
a degree in geography地理学学位
2.[sing]地形;地貌;地势the way in which the physical features of a place are arranged
the geography of New York City纽约市的地势
Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.金熟悉这栋建筑物的布局,大步流星地走在走廊上。
3.[sing]地理环境the way in which a particular aspect of life or society is influenced by geography or varies according to geography
The geography of poverty and the geography of voting are connected.贫穷人口的地理分布与选票的地理分布是相联系的。
n.1.地理,地形,地势 (of)2.地理学3.地志,地理书4.(生产,建筑等的)配置,布局1.地理,地形,地势 (of)2.地理学3.地志,地理书4.(生产,建筑等的)配置,布局
n.1.the study of the Earth’s physical features and the people, plants, and animals that live in different regions of the world2.the physical features of an area3.the way in which people or things are arranged in an area
1.地理 high-resolution 高清晰度 geography 地理 geographer 地理学家 ...
2.地理学 mountain 山;山脉 geography 地理学 spend 度过;过 ...
3.地理科 ... 中史科 Chinese History 地理科 Geography 历史科 History ...
4.地理系 MA Environmental Science and Politics 环境科学与政治 Geography 地理系 History 历史系 ...
5.地理位置 III. Religion 宗教 chapter 13 geography 地理位置 Government and Administration 英国政府机构 ...
6.地形 geographic value 地理值 geography 地理学;地理;地形 geohistory 地史 ...
7.地理书 search n. vt. & vi. 搜寻;寻找 geography n. 地理书 salesman n. 售货员,店员 ...
8.地理科学 Computer Science 计算机科学 Geography 地理科学 Pharmacy 药剂学 ...
造句带翻译释义:,地理环境,地形,地势,地理,地理学,地理科,地理系1.Nowadays quality education in middle schools make it a final goal that we should cultivate people with geography attainment.目前,中学地理素养教育已把培养具有地理素养的人作为基本价值取向。
2.An English girl, of course, would be able to learn just a little more about, let us say, geography.英国姑娘,当然啦,可能还会再学到一点点——比方说——地理。 human geography environment, production records The main products and the distribution of the wind business, transportation factors.在人文地理环境方面,记载了生产状况与主要物产分布、经商之风、交通因素。
4.Because occupies the place in me not to have the earthquake, is impossible according to the geography form to occur!因为在我处在地方从来没有发生过地震,按照地理形式也不可能发生!
5.If you're past all that school stuff and want to see how much geography you remember, check out the World Map by Game Design.如果你通过了全部的学校考核并且想知道你到底记住了多少地理,通过游戏方式来查看世界地图。
6.So that it's happened twice in a week, albeit with a limited duration and geography, indicates gaps.但这次却是一周内出现了两次故障,尽管持续时间和受影响地区有限,但也暴露出了差距。
7.For reasons of geography Mexico's fate is ineluctably intertwined with that of the United States.由于地理上的原因,墨西哥的经济与美国不可避免地纠结在一起。
8.More pleasingly still, the first images it sent back could have come out of a geography textbook's chapter on arctic terrain.更加高兴的是,在其发回的第一个图片中的影像仿佛就像是来自地理书中北极圈图片一样。
9.Great opportunities are available, but you may have to be flexible in terms of geography or sector to take full advantage of them.好机会是有的。但是要充分地利用好这些机会,却需要你在地理位置或专业领域上学会灵活应变。
10.He was able to produce a geography book containing an atlas of maps of the known world.他编写了一部地理书,书中绘制了一套当时世界的地图册。