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美式发音: [ˌdʒiəˈlɑdʒɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiːəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l]






adj.1.relating to geology, or to the features of the Earths surface

na.1.The variant of geologic

1.地质的 gesture n. 姿态,表示;手势,示意动作; geological 地质的;地质学的; n. 将军; ...

2.地质学的 oceanological 海洋学的 geological 地质学的 climatological 气候学的 ...

3.地理thAsteroid)的物理(physical)和地理(geological)特性,从而推断小行星的矿物(mineral)成分,帮助了解小行星、彗星(comet)和陨 …

4.地质特征 矿业 mining 地质特征 geological 围岩 rock ...

5.地质遗迹 塔里木河流域 tarim 地质遗迹 geological 区划 division ...

6.地质属性ly 萤石 常林钻石 煤 石油 矿产资源基本属性 地质属性(geological) 经济属性(economic) 环境属性(environmental) 矿产资源的 …


1.Its natural beauty was created by a succession of volcanoes making it a fascinating geological masterpiece.它美丽的自然风光得益于火山的不断喷发,其景色令人心驰神往。

2.Within a few years, he would be accepted into scientific organizations like the Geological Society and the Royal Society.在短短的几年内,他得到了一些科研机构的承认,如地质学会和英国皇家学会。

3.Fracture zones (faults and lineaments) are more prevalent in southwestern Virginia, as a direct result of this geological movement.作为这种地质活动的直接结果,弗吉尼亚州西南部,断裂带的出现更为普遍。

4.The result of clustering showed that there was a long distance among those groups which showed the difference of geological origin.聚类结果表明:越橘各种群间遗传距离相对较远,说明各种群地理起源上的差异。

5.It wasn't long before he pulled out his geological maps and began trying to quantify the relationship, to see if the link was just a fluke.不久前他绘制了地质地图,试图确定有多少文明符合这样的地质关联,看看这样的关联是不是只是巧合。

6.He said it would give "important clues as to how far back in geological time such behaviours evolved" .他说这将为研究“这种行为是在多远古的地质时期逐渐形成的提供重要的线索。”

7.We'll set out for geological inspection for a week in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning.明天出发,开始一星期的地质考察。行程遍及黑吉辽三省。

8.How much damage depends on several factors, says Stuart Sipkin, a seismologist at the U. S. Geological Survey.美国地质调查局的地震学家斯图尔特·西普金称,破坏程度取决于好几个因素。

9.So I take him with me when we make a geological survey along the Wall, trying to kindle his interests in this.现在我在逐渐培养他的兴趣,比如搞长城测量,都是他陪着我去。

10.Of course, there was no geological shortage of oil, just a politically manipulated one.当然,当时并不存在一个地质学意义上的石油短缺,油价仅仅是被政治化的操纵了。