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geological fault是什么意思_怎么读

geological fault



1.地质断层 Model 模式 Geological fault 地质断层 seismic gap 地震活动空白地带 ...


1.The Oracle at Delphi has been found to lie over a geological fault through which seeped hallucinogenic gases.德尔非的神谕被发现在穿过渗透迷幻气体的地理断层带上。

2.break, fault, faulting, fracture, geological fault, shift.开始,断层,断层,开始。

3.a major geological fault in California; runs from San Diego to San Francisco; the source of serious earthquakes.加利福尼亚的一个大的地质断层;从圣地亚哥延伸到旧金山;严重地震的产物。

4.Located on Fuchuan Mountain, Yongquan Town, Jiujiang County, Yongquan Cave was shaped by the collapse of geological fault .涌泉洞位于九江县涌泉乡伏船山,是天然断层裂隙产生崩塌而形成的溶洞。

5.A huge geological fault runs through the entire island.一条巨大的地质断层红横贯全岛。

6.Turkey is particularly vulnerable to earthquakes because it sits on major geological fault lines.由于土耳其位于主要地质断层线,因此尤其容易受到地震袭击。

7.A Preliminary Study of the Seismic Monitoring Network Construction in Tianzhu County and the Geological Fault Division天祝县地震监测网点建设及地质构造断层划分的探讨