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美式发音: [dʒiˈɑlədʒɪst] 英式发音: [dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst]





1.地质学家a scientist who studies geology


n.1.a scientist who studies geology

1.地质学家 geology 地质学 geologist 地质学家 crust 地壳 ...

2.地质学者 gaseous 气体的,气态的 geologist 地质学者 geophysicist 地球物理学者 ...

3.地质师 Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督 Geologist 地质师 Sample Catcher 捞砂工 ...

4.地质工程师 Reservoir Engineer 油藏工程师 Geologist 地质工程师 Geophysicist 地球物理工程师 ...

5.地理学家 surgeon 外科医生 geologist 地理学家 physician 内科医生 ...

6.地质专家 ... 234211 Chemist 化学专家 234411 Geologist 地质专家 234412 Geophysicist 地球物理学 …


1.So, the first thing I did was I hired a geologist. It cost me over a thousand dollars and I knew it was the best money I could spend.因此第一件事,我雇用了一位地质学家,花了我千多元,但那是最值得花的钱。

2."The critical thing is to be able to take the human mind down into that environment, " said the marine geologist.“关键是,人类可以到深海中去。”海洋地质学家说。

3.The Great Sphinx in Egypt might have originally had the face of a lion (see photo), a UK geologist claimed recently.英国地质学家近日表示,埃及斯芬克斯狮身人面像最初可能是一尊完整的狮子雕像(见图)。

4.Human activity, not nature, was the likely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City, a geologist says.地质专家表示,危地马拉城街道上出现的天坑可能不是自然因素造成的,而是人为活动的结果。

5.'It was the phenomenon just as I had envisioned it, ' says the 41-year-old geologist, who has now become the Japanese Cassandra.41岁的地质学家宍仓正展说,这就是我以前曾预想到的自然现象。现在,他已成为了日本的灾难预言家。

6.The geologist who announced the find, Javier Garcia-Guinea, wants to turn the site into a tourist attraction.宣布这个发现的地质学家,Javier加西亚-几内亚,想要把这个地方变成一个游览胜地。

7.Kilimanjaro, known as "the roof of Africa" , which is a geologist and many prefer to call it "the king of Africa" .乞力马扎罗山素有“非洲屋脊”之称,而许多地理学家则喜欢称它为“非洲之王”。

8.I said to the geologist, Tell me about this picture. How can an iceberg be green?我说:可否告诉我,为何这山是绿色的?

9."Why would such a system work? " asked , a geologist at the USGS, at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting Monday.在周一的美国地球物理学协会秋季大会上,,美国地质勘探局的地质学家,被问道:“为什么这一系统可以工作?”

10.Educated as a geologist in her native Hungary, Eniko Farkas knows, understands and firmly believes in the science behind evolution.在母国匈牙利接受地质学教育的艾妮可法卡斯知道、了解、并且坚定相信进化论背后的科学原理。