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美式发音: [ˌdʒiəˈmetrɪk] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiːəˈmetrɪk]




Adj.+n.geometric design,geometric pattern





1.几何(学)的;(似)几何图形的of geometry ; of or like the lines, shapes, etc. used in geometry , especially because of having regular shapes or lines

a geometric design几何图形设计




adj.1.relating to the methods and principles of geometry2.relating to simple shapes, especially when these form regular patterns

na.1.The variant of geometrical

1.几何的 scenic 风景的 geometric 几何的 geographical 地理的 ...

2.几何学的 blemish 污点 瑕疵 Geometric 几何学的 ripple 波纹 ...

3.几何体 ... Geodesic Base Type 基点面类型;短程线基点方式 Geometric 几何体 Geometries 几何 …

4.光栅几何失真 ... GENERAL 一般性的(调整) GEOMETRIC;GEOMETRY 光栅几何失真 GG;G-GAIN 绿增益; 显像管亮 …

5.几何图形 艺伎 Geisha 几何图形 Geometric 方格棉布 Gingham ...

6.几何图案 ... Flapper Dress 宽松低腰连衣裙 (二十年代) Geometric 几何图案 Headband 头箍 ...

7.几何图形的 prototype n 原样样机,标准,典型 geometric adj 几何图形的 integration n 集成化 ...


1.Cane spiders are bright yellow with a brown geometric pattern on their backs, and can grow to be the size of a silver dollar.细蜘蛛是明黄色的,在背上有一种褐色的几何图案,并能长大成一块硬币的大小。

2.objects cast shadows as if the light were emitted from a single geometric point like a naked light bulb.物体投射阴影似乎光从几何学的点发出像无遮罩的灯泡。

3.The side or face of a geometric figure to which an altitude is or is thought to be drawn.几何图形的边或面,在上面可以画出或被认为可以画出其高度。

4.Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations, tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique.机加工能够达到几何形状,公差及表面精度,这些通常其他的技术都达不到。

5.When Euclid originally laid down the axioms of his geometric system 23 centuries ago, one of them seemed less than obvious.2300年前,当欧几里得(Euclidian)最初提出构成他几何体系的那些公理时,其中一个公理似乎一点也不显眼。

6.D. Able to understand and apply Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) at intermediate to expert level preferred.能理解并应用几何定尺寸定容差(GD&T)有中高级水平者优先。

7.Geometry Expressions features an easy-to-use dynamic interface for drawing and analyzing sophisticated geometric structures.GeometryExpressions拥有简单易用的动态界面,能够绘制和分析复杂的几何结构。

8.The statistical tolerance symbol may be applied to a dimensional tolerance or to the tolerance value of a geometric control.统计公差符号适用于尺寸公差或一个形位公差控制的公差值。

9.Any geometric structure might have evolved, depending upon the sensitivity of the particles being forced into the conduit.任何几何形状的结构都会形成,这得取决于被迫进入管道的粒子的敏感度。

10.The geometric means of every 5 vectors are used to act as representative samples to stand for five aging stage.然后取聚成一类的局部放电特征量的几何平均值作为标准样本,分别代表5个不同的老化阶段。