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germane to是什么意思_怎么读

germane to



1.相关的 geriatrics 老人医学 germane to 相关的 germinate 发芽 产生 ...


1.I shall withhold information that is germane to the situation if it is possible for me or my direct supervisor to obtain personal gain.我应扣压资料是有密切关系的情况,如果有可能给我看,还是我的直接上司,以获取私利。

2.A brief synopsis of the basic principles; however, is germane to understanding the next phase of the investigations into allograft healing.对基本原则的简要概述对下一阶段研究同种异体骨愈合的理解上有密切的关系。

3.There's a layer of indirection between roles as used in code and roles as surfaced to deployment, but it's not germane to this discussion.代码中使用的角色和部署中公开的角色之间有一个间接层,但是它与本文关系不大。

4.The second line, as it is not germane to the focus of this thesis, is omitted.由于诗文的第二行与本文研究的重点没有直接关系,所以对该行不进行分析。

5.The 20-page summary is a sketch of the findings that are most germane to the public and world leaders.这份20页的摘要是一些发现的一个梗概,这些发现多与公众及世界领袖们有着密切的关系。

6.Other environment variables are germane to individual utilities.其他环境变量与不同的实用程序有关。

7.There is a time when human death befits human life, when nothing is more germane to the person's current needs.有个时间适合人类死亡的人类的生命,没有比这更密切相关的时候对人的目前的需要。

8.Four ultimate concerns, to my view, are highly germane to psychotherapy: death, isolation, meaning in life, and freedom.在我看来,四种终极关切与心理治疗密切相关:死亡、孤独、生命的意义和自由。

9.BMC are highly accessible and may reflect molecular events germane to the neuropathophysiology of AD.BMC易于获得,是可能反映AD病理生理状况的分子靶标。

10.The fact is not germane to this issue.此事实与此问题无密切关系。