美式发音: ['dʒɜrmənəl] 英式发音: ['dʒɜ:mɪnəl]n.播种月;法国革命历第7月;春天
n.1.播种月;法国革命历第7月2.[g-] 树发芽时,春天
adj.1.relating to reproductive cells2.relating or belonging to the earliest stage in the development of something
1.萌芽 《小酒店》 L'Assommoir 《萌芽》 Germinal 《羊脂球》 Boule de Suif ...
2.芽月 2月19日-3月20日:风月 Ventôse 3月21日-4月19日:芽月 Germinal 4月20日-5月19日:花月 Floréal ...
3.幼芽的 germ n. 细菌;胚芽;起源 germinal a. 幼芽的,初期的 gesture n. 手势,姿 …
4.胚的 germicide 杀菌剂 germinal 胚的 germinal cell 原始细胞 ...
5.胚种的 sprat 西鲱, 瘦小个子... germinal 幼芽的, 胚种的 ... ...
6.生发 ... 黑发素 Black hair 生发 Germinal 防脱发 Prevent ...
7.生殖 ... 胚壁 germ wall 胚;生殖 germ;germinal 德国麻疹;风疹 German measles ...
8.初期的 germ n. 细菌;胚芽;起源 germinal a. 幼芽的,初期的 gesture n. 手势,姿 …
造句带翻译释义:,播种月,法国革命历第7月,春天,幼芽的,原始的,萌芽,芽月,胚的1.Under the light microscope, white pulp diminished and shrank, germinal center was not clear and there were a little of apoptosis cell.光镜下白髓数量减少,体积变小,生发中心不明显,高剂量组能见到少量的凋亡细胞;
2.Lonely actually more should be in an open heart most beautiful flowers, rooted in the soil, loneliness, the ego self germinal gold.寂寞其实更应是一朵开放在心灵深处最美丽的花,扎根于孤独的土壤,自我生发,自我妍丽。
3.The nucleus of previtellogenic oocyte had become markedly swollen, and was named specially as germinal vesicle.卵黄发生前卵母细胞核明显膨大,特称为生发泡;
4.System management features to ensure the effectiveness of, the management of the system constraints will stop a lot of germinal defects.制度所具有的特性是管理有效性的保证,管理工作止步于制度约束又会生发诸多弊端。
5.Now you investigate all the possible ways in which this germinal idea can be developed.准备工作。从现在起你调查所有可能的方面,从而促进最初想法的发展。
6.The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm.中胚层早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成。
7.We believed that, the industry technology will be developed forever, product quality and customer service are same of no germinal point.我们认为,科技业将永远发达,产品质量和客户服务是同一无lerminal点。
8.Configuration of germinal vesicle (GV) chromatin has been studied and found correlated with the developmental competence of oocytes.卵母细胞生发泡染色质构型与卵母细胞发育能力相关。
9.Each follicle contains a germinal center populated by rapidly proliferating B cells and macrophages.每个滤泡含有一个大量快速增殖的B细胞和吞噬细胞的构成的生发中心。
10.We find among Greeks' germinal concepts which are a vital part of modern thought.我们发现希腊人的许多原始概念是现代思想的重要组成部分。