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网络释义:老年的;老年病学的;老人的复数:geriatrics  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.geriatric medicine





1.[u]老年医学the branch of medicine concerned with the diseases and care of old people

2.[c](informal)老年人;老头子;老婆子;老年病人an old person, especially one with poor physical or mental health

I'm not a geriatric yet, you know!要知道我还没有老朽!


adj.1.relating to old age, or to the process of getting older2.old. People usually use this word in a humorous way but some people consider it to be offensive.

1.老年的 geometry n. 几何学 geriatric a. 老年病学的;老年的;衰老的 germicide n. 杀菌剂 ...

2.老年病学的 geometry n. 几何学 geriatric a. 老年病学的;老年的;衰老的 germicide n. 杀菌剂 ...

3.衰老的 geometry n. 几何学 geriatric a. 老年病学的;老年的;衰老的 germicide n. 杀菌剂 ...

4.老人的 ... 对年老人的歧视 ageism 老人的 geriatric 衰老老人 geriatric ...

5.老年人 5. wean v. 使断奶,使戒掉 6. geriatric n. 老年人 10. applaud v. 拍手喝彩, …

6.老年患者k Pulse) - 肥胖患者(Obese) - 老年患者Geriatric) - 心动过缓患者(低于60BPM的异常脉搏) - 心动过速患者(非常快 …

7.老年期红色数字部份代表进入【中年期】(Senior) 蓝色数字部份代表进入【老年期】(Geriatric)转换成线图比较看看~ 资料来源:http://en…


1.Mr. Doonan's husband, he said, calls him "a geriatric lunatic with relentless regularity. "Doonan先生说的他丈夫叫他“一个无情地有规律老朽的极端分子。”

2.But to truly get well, they'll need "much longer, '' he said, and there's " a paucity'' of geriatric psychiatrists.但想要真正恢复,他们还需要“更长时间,”他说,老年精神病学家还比较“缺乏”。

3.Conclusions The formation of author team of geriatric literatures is at a primary stage, and the core author team does not exist.结论江苏省老年医学研究的作者队伍正处于初步形成阶段,核心作者队伍尚未形成;

4.Objective To observe the quality of life in geriatric patients of different genders following coronary artery bypass grafting.目的评价不同性别老年冠心病患者在冠状动脉旁路移植术后的生命质量。

5.There is a strange parallel between Burma's geriatric opposition leaders, known as the Uncles, and the junta's clutch of aged generals.衰老的反对党领导人(俗称“大叔们”)与军政府的一小撮老年寡头构成了一对奇特的平行线。

6.It is argued that many geriatric diseases due to heart-qi deficiency and unquiet spirit can be treated by this Decoction.认为凡由心气不足、心神不宁所致的各种老年病,均可以本方为主治疗。

7.An entire floor has been converted into a pilot geriatric ward at Onomichi Prison, near Hiroshima.广岛附近的尾道监狱整一层楼都已经被改造成一个老年病房实验点。

8.Current literature informs that the Geriatric Depression Scale accurately predicts a diagnosis of depression in community nursing cohorts.系统回顾性文献结论:目前的文献说明,老年抑郁量表能够准确预测社区护理中的抑郁症的诊断。

9.Conclusion: Citalopram is an effective antidepressant with fewer side effects in the treatment of geriatric depression.结论:西酞普兰治疗老年抑郁症疗效好,不良作用少。

10.Conclusion Mirtazapine is an effective and safe antidepressant in the treatment of geriatric depression.结论米氮平是一种安全有效的新一代抗抑郁药,适于老年抑郁症患者。