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美式发音: [ˈdʒɜrmɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɜː(r)mɪneɪt]


网络释义:发芽的;萌发;萌生第三人称单数:germinates  现在分词:germinating  过去式:germinated  同义词

v.sprout,grow,develop,take root,evolve



v.1.to develop from a seed and begin to grow into a plant, or to make a seed develop in this way2.if an idea or feeling germinates, it develops from something very small

1.发芽 浸泡( Steeping/Soaking) 发芽( Germinating) 烘烤( Kilning) ...

2.发芽的 cheeky 无耻的 germinating 发芽,发芽的 cone 圆锥蛋卷 ...

3.萌发 ... ) sprouting 萌发 ) germinating 萌发 ) sprout 萌发 ...

4.萌生 总算 At long last 萌生 Germinating 扩展 Expansion ...


1.General adult germinating in the spring of each year to carry out a Pruning ago.一般成株于每年春季萌动前进行一次修剪。

2.viable, Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.能居的在良好的状态下能够存活、发展或发芽的

3.The seeds did not start germinating until late March because of a long spell of drought.由于一段很长时间的干旱直到3月下旬这些种子才开始发芽。

4.Under cold imbibition stress condition, the germinating characteristic and physiological-biochemical data was lower than contrast obviously.在冷吸胀胁迫中种子的萌发特性及各项生理指标均明显要低于对照。

5.Biochemistry: Protein synthesis inhibitor. Mode of action: Selective herbicide, absorbed by the shoots of germinating plants.作用特点该药为选择性除草剂,主要被发芽着的植物芽吸收,可抑制蛋白质合成。

6.And in places like Afghanistan, where democracy is still germinating, problems with elections are rampant.在阿富汗这样的地方,民主仍然处在萌芽阶段,选举的问题泛滥成灾。

7.Hereafter, social forces are no more the occasional or accidental phenomenon, but the germinating normality in the daily life.社会力不再仅仅是突然,或偶发的现象,而是在日常民主生活中持续萌发的一个常态。

8.May be it was just the nutrient for germinating love.也许正是爱的萌芽最需要的养分。

9.Texture profile analysis results showed that germinating maize flour improved the qualities of bread compared with control.萌发玉米面粉使冷冻面团而包的品质得到改善。

10.Germinating or producing seeds that germinate before becoming detached from the parent plant, as in the mangrove.胎萌的在从母体植物分离出来之前即发芽或产生种子的,如红树林