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美式发音: [ˌdʒɜrmɪ'neɪʃn] 英式发音: [ˌdʒɜ:mɪ'neɪʃn]






1.发芽 denomination 命名,名称 germination 萌芽, 发芽, 发生 termination 终止, 结束 ...

2.萌芽 denomination 命名,名称 germination 萌芽, 发芽, 发生 termination 终止, 结束 ...

3.萌发 ribs: 脊 Germination萌发 Halotolerant: 耐盐的 ...

4.发生 denomination 命名,名称 germination 萌芽, 发芽, 发生 termination 终止, 结束 ...

5.发芽率 茶籽含水率 moisture 发芽率 Germination 冷害: Chilling injury: ...

6.出芽 germinating power 发芽能力 germination 出芽 germination energy 发芽能量 ...

7.伟晶作用 韦克氏硬度计 Vicker's hardness tester 伟晶作用 germination 未处理原砂 raw untreated sand ...

8.种子的萌发经过一定时期,种胚突破种皮,露出胚根,这一过程称为种子的萌发(germination).萌发是生命发展的最初阶段,是植物生长过程中 …


1.The rate of seed germination is often less than 50% in traditional treatment.采用传统的种子育苗法其发芽率一般不超过50%。

2.Scirpus pumilus had no reaction to any factor or combination and its seed germination rate was all zero.矮草对任何因子或组合都无反应,其种子萌发率均为0。

3.Pick up the autumn leaves the already woods, is only possible in the next spring-signature germination.拾起秋天的已片片落叶,才有可能在来年春天萌发——题记。

4.This process involves germination of the barley grains and activation of their enzymes to produce a malt.这个过程涉及到大麦谷物的发芽和酶的活化以制得麦芽。

5.The seed germination percentage had a small increase at the beginning of desiccation and then decreased rapidly.在脱水初期,种子发芽率有所上升,但随后种子发芽率迅速降低。

6.There was no obvious correlation between thousand seed weight and germination rate.千粒重与发芽率之间的相关性不明显。

7.Dormancy in hard seeds benefits spatiotemporal distribution of seed germination and is of great significance for preserving germplasm.硬实休眠有利于植物调节种子萌发的时空分布,在种质保存上也具有特别重要的意义。

8.Although the petals into a light purple, but germination in the next tender, and the smell of flowers the .虽然花瓣变成淡紫色的了,可是在旁边的嫩芽发芽了,而且花瓣的香味更浓了。

9.Birds dispersal the seeds and enlarging the population of S. pohuashanensis has no relationship with seed germination promotion effects.鸟类对花楸树种子的传播和种群的扩散作用不是因为其消化道环境的萌发促进作用的结果。

10.Widely used for cultivate microbial cell, seed germination, seed testing, and the cultivation of plants, insects and small animals breeding.广泛应用于微生物组织细胞培养,种子发芽,育苗试验,植物栽培以及昆虫、小动物饲养等。