美式发音: [dʒɜrm] 英式发音: [dʒɜː(r)m]n.细菌;萌芽;【生】幼芽;起源
网络释义:病菌;微生物;胚芽复数:germs 搭配同义词
v.+n.germ kill
n.1.a form of bacteria that spreads disease among people or animals2.something that could develop into a greater idea or plan
1.细菌性,然而虽然确实有些细菌会使人生病,我们通常称之为病菌(germs);但另有许多细菌会让食物腐败,更有许多细菌对人 …
3.微生物 whiskey n. 威士忌酒 germs n. 微生物, 细菌 floozy floozyn. 荡妇, 妓女 ...
4.胚芽来看),但已够当时的使用,并且也蕴藏了现代实数论的胚芽 (germs).换句话说,优多诸斯所做的就是建立实数论的初步工作.
5.细菌人 ... germs( 细菌人~~~) lagken520( 阿峰仔~~) ...
6.致病菌 ... 阴性 Absent 致病菌 Germs 不得检出 No finding ...
7.紫外线可以杀死 ... 7. 盖子是用什么做的: glass 8. 紫外线可以杀死: germs 10. 最后那个水桶是: water collection tan…
8.病原菌 麦芽精 wheat germs 病原菌 1. pathogenic bacteria;germs function germs 函数芽 ...
造句带翻译释义:,细菌,萌芽,幼芽,起源,发生,病菌,微生物,胚芽1.On man when he came into life the Father conferred the seeds of all kinds and the germs of every way of life.而当人诞生之时,我们的在天之父便赐予他各类种子和每一样生命的胚胎。
2.The germs leave their nose, and end up in yours. It is all most unfortunate.病菌离开他们的鼻子进入你的鼻子,这真不幸。
3.Children should not be kissed too much. Not on their face (germs), top of their heads or the side is all right.孩子们不应该被吻的太多。不要亲脸(细菌),可以亲头顶或头边。
4.Enemas , douches and other cleaners will not be able to get all the germs and bacteria out of the rectum.灌肠剂、灌肠器或其他方法都不能完全杀灭直肠内的细菌和微生物。
5.The trouble is, she adds, such a baby will not have the contact with germs that are needed to build up a strong immune system.但是这种做法带来的麻烦就是,孩子无法接触到细菌,因此也就没办法构筑强健的免疫系统。
6.She believes the Mars sample could be just as vulnerable to Earthly microbes as people might be to any Martian germs.她相信火星细菌对人类的危害性,将只是像接触地球上的细菌一样。
7.Acid-proof alkali, not putrefied , was not easily live on by the germs, easy to clean the disinfection.耐酸碱、不腐烂、不易被细菌寄生、便于清洗消毒。
8.I had tonsillitis and I was contagious! What if I had given her some of my germs? She was in heels!我又扁桃体发炎,而且会传染,如果细菌病毒过给妈妈怎么办?
9.Every minute, several million neutrophils leave the bone marrow and are ready to defend the body of invading germs.每分钟就有几百万个中性粒细胞离开骨髓,为的是随时准备抵抗侵入的细菌以保护身体。
10.Erin: Easy man. Just a cough. It's not like deadly germs. I just had a cold. Be a man.放轻松。只是咳嗽而已。又不是什么致命的病菌。我只是感冒了而已。