美式发音: [dʒəˈstɪkjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [dʒeˈstɪkjʊleɪt]v.打手势;用姿势[动作]表达(意思)
网络释义:做手势;比划第三人称单数:gesticulates 现在分词:gesticulating 过去式:gesticulated 同义词
v.1.用姿势[动作]示意,打手势2.用姿势[动作]表达(意思) make movements with your hands and arms when you are talking, usually because you want to emphasize what you are saying or because you are excited
1.做手势 gesticulating 做手势; 做示意动作. 2 movement used in this 手势; 示意动作: ...
2.比划 grateful: 感谢的 gesticulating: 比划 exhausted: 筋疲力竭的 ...
3.打手势 ... For $____ 出价钱 Gesticulating,……….. 打手势 Preposterous 荒谬的 ...
造句带翻译释义:,打手势,用姿势[动作]表达,做手势,比划1.Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, he eventually reduced the price to 10 pounds.打着手势,嘴里面哇哇乱叫着,这人表现得好像感到我的出价让他发疯。但他最终还是把价格降到了10英镑。
2.Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $10.那人激动地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱降到了10英镑。
3.He declaims like an orator on a barricade, rolling the words on his tongue and gesticulating with his short arms.他像个站在街垒上的演讲者一样高谈阔论,嘴里滔滔不绝,短胳膊比划着。
4."Today the forces of occupation are gathered at our gates, " he shouts, wildly gesticulating and with a voice cracked with emotion.“今天,占领军就盘踞在我们的大门口,”他疯狂地做着手势,用含有感情而声嘶力竭的声音呼喊着。
5.I hear a door slam and in another moment the madam bursts into my room, her face as red as a beet, her arms gesticulating wildly.我又听到一扇门呼地摔上了,接着鸨儿猛冲进我的房间,脸红得像甜菜,两只胳膊疯狂地乱比划。
6.Try to recover your balance by replacing your board correctly instead in gesticulating.尝试恢复您的余额,将您的董事会正确而不是指手划脚。
7.She stood on the stoop, shrunken , gesticulating with thin arms, her loose mouth working angrily.她站在门廓里,缩着身子,用瘦瘠的双臂打着手势,松开的嘴愤怒地翕动着。
8.The years fell away and there sat my father as a young Greek man, gesticulating and cracking jokes with shining Mediterranean eyes.尽管岁月流逝,父亲仍像个年轻的希腊人那样坐着,打着手势,说着笑话,那对地中海民族的眼睛炯炯有神。
9.He has a habit of gesticulating while he speaks.他说话时习惯做手势。
10.a tall woman gesticulating to the men behind her to advance on the shiny-shirted Basij militia;一个高大的女人指手划脚地让她身后的男人们向穿着闪光衬衫的巴斯基民兵组织进发;