美式发音: [ˈdʒestʃər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒestʃə(r)]n.手势;举止;动作;举动
网络释义:以手势表示;姿态;动作示意复数:gestures 现在分词:gesturing 过去式:gestured 搭配同义词
adj.+n.friendly gesture,extravagant gesture,impatient gesture
v.+n.make gesture,repeat gesture
n.1.a movement made with a part of the body in order to express meaning or emotion or to communicate an action intended to communicate feelings or intentions3.the use of body movements to communicate4.a movement that communicates a feeling or instruction5.something that you do to communicate your intentions towards someone, especially good intentions1.a movement made with a part of the body in order to express meaning or emotion or to communicate an action intended to communicate feelings or intentions3.the use of body movements to communicate4.a movement that communicates a feeling or instruction5.something that you do to communicate your intentions towards someone, especially good intentions make a movement with a part of the body in order to express meaning or emotion or to communicate an make a movement with your hands or head in order to show or tell someone something
1.手势 scares 煤中黄铁矿薄片 gesturing n. 姿态, 手势, 表示v.作手势, 以手势表示 freud 弗洛伊德 ...
2.以手势表示 scares 煤中黄铁矿薄片 gesturing n. 姿态, 手势, 表示v.作手势, 以手势表示 freud 弗洛伊德 ...
3.做手势 ... Fighting( 战斗) Gesturing( 做手势) Spawning( 出生) ...
4.姿态 scares 煤中黄铁矿薄片 gesturing n. 姿态, 手势, 表示v.作手势, 以手势表示 freud 弗洛伊德 ...
5.动作示意, 「铸辞」 (Coining Words)和 「比手划脚」 (Gesturing) 并用之策略。』 (第173页) 之后,Rababah 在 2002 年於约旦也从 …
造句带翻译释义:,手势,举止,动作,举动,指,比划,示意,做手势,以手势表示,姿态,动作示意1.Gesturing tends to work itself out as you acquire experience and confidence.随着经验的积累和信心的增强,你会自然而然地学会打手势。
2."Japan has been plunged into sadness, " he said, often gesturing with his hands to emphasize his points.“整个日本都沉浸在悲伤中”丰田章男不断配合肢体语言来加强他的观点。
3.After our glasses of whisky, Tomas stood and moved slowly from his chair to the piano stool, gesturing for me to join him.几杯酒过后,诗人站起身,慢慢从椅子挪到了琴凳上,并示意我过去。
4.He made no answer but walked on, gesturing for me to follow.他没有回答,而是继续走,示意我随行。
5."Of course, " she said, gesturing with her one pie-free hand.“再见,”她说,用没拿馅饼的那只手挥挥手。
6."Our show girls wear bumblebee outfits, " she said, gesturing to hostesses in yellow and black striped dresses with wings on their backs.“我们公司的展场女郎穿着大黄蜂套装,”她一边说,一边做出穿着黄黑条纹衣服,背后带有翅膀的女主人样子。
7.He looked very fine, Marshal Ney in his top - boots, gesturing with his sword among the green new horse-chestnut leaves.奈伊元帅的雕像看来很威武:脚蹬长靴,在七叶树绿油油的嫩叶丛中举剑示意。
8."Umm, I think I missed a button, " I told him, gesturing to my crumpled up mess of a shirt.恩,我想我系错了一个纽扣。我对他说道,指着我一团糟打起皱的衬衫。
9.Lilly Ebert, now as great-grandmother, recalls how there was a man there with a stick gesturing people to go left or right.现在已是曾祖母的莉莉-艾伯特回忆着有个男人如何拿着棍子,指挥他们向左或向右。
10."Take the chair, " he said, gesturing with his flat, impassive eyes at the chair he had placed directly in front of himself.“坐到椅子上,”他说,用平淡的,冷漠的眼神示意她,他自己已经坐到了面前的地板上。