get a kick out of
1.从……中得到乐趣 Rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈 Get a kick out of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣 View 景色;风景 ...
2.从某事得到乐趣 ... kick out;send out 踢出;开除 Get a kick out of sth. 从某事得到乐趣 kick - out arm (冷床的)出料推杆 ...
3.从…得到乐趣 37 rip off 敲竹杠 38 get a kick out of 从…得到乐趣 39 die out 灭绝 ...
4.从某事中得到乐趣 ... a kick in one's gallop 异想天开 get a kick out of sth. 从某事中得到乐趣 give sb. a kick [美俚]使某人非常愉快 ...
5.感到愉快 ... 463.get at 意思是 464.get a kick out of 感到愉快 465.gate crasher 无票入场者 ...
6.因某事感到愉快 never mind 没关系,不要记在心上 get a kick out of 因某事感到愉快 stick on 把……粘贴在…
7.做某事得到乐趣 ... 21.Bribery and corruption 贪污受贿 22.get a kick out of sth 做某事得到乐趣 24.join the club 同病相怜 ...
8.从某事得到快感 ... get a kick out of [美国口语]从某事得到快感(或乐趣、兴奋) give someone a kick [美国俚语]使某人非常愉快 ...
造句带翻译释义:,从……中得到乐趣,从某事得到乐趣,从…得到乐趣1.Let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being around you.我有些想法想告诉你,和你在一起我真的感到很愉快。
2.Say, Barby, let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being around you.咳,芭比,我有些想法要告诉你。和你在一起真使我感到非常愉快。
3.Just like in real life, your followers might get a kick out of your drunk tweets, but you'll probably regret them in the morning.跟现实生活一样,你的推友们很可能因为你的酒后言论而离开你,第二天早上你就会后悔不已啦。
4.Lora seems to get a kick out of talking with older boys.看来罗拉特别喜欢和年龄大一点的男孩子聊天。
5.Sometimes the boss asks me and I get a kick out of it.有时老板问我,这时候我总是很开心。
6.Li Ning is hoping American consumers will get a kick out of its newest advertising attempt.李宁公司希望自己最新一轮广告战会让美国消费者兴奋起来。
7.Get a kick out of life. Be sincerely curious. Open your heart and mind to the world around you. People respond to energy more than words.从生活中找兴趣点。真诚地好奇。对周围世界敞开心胸、思维。人之间是与其说用语言不如说用能量在回应。
8.Mother of four talking here. He'll get a kick out of it.相信我,一个四个孩子的妈妈他一定会很高兴的
9.I'm so useless. I only get a kick out of doing stupid things, like getting wasted or watching old cartoons.偶然喝醉一次,看看老的卡通片也说用嘛。你看到你的学生英语有进步,不也让你兴吗?
10.I only get a kick out of doing stupid things, like getting wasted, watching old cartoons.我只对做一些愚蠢的事情感到高兴,比如喝醉酒啊,看很老的卡通片啊。