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get a break是什么意思_怎么读

get a break

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1.时来运转 ... work with sb. 与某人共事,与某人协作 get a break 交好运,时来运转 on sb.'s side 对某人有利;赞同某人的 …

2.交好运 ... work with sb. 与某人共事,与某人协作 get a break 交好运,时来运转 on sb.'s side 对某人有利;赞同某人的 …

3.休息 ... 3.嗓子痛 have a bad throat 4.休息 get a break 2.排队等候买票 wait in line for tickets ...

4.走运的 ... in black and white 白纸黑字 get a break 走运的 deal with 与...交涉,交易;应付;处理 ...

5.得好运气 fair-weather friend 平安时之友;非患难之友 Get a Break 得好运气 ...

6.获得利益 somebody in the dark),进而获得利益get a break),可以立於不败。


1.Toll did not get a break fee along with its board recommendation from Patrick.通行费没取得进展断裂费在它的委员会推荐上从帕特里克。

2.And on the days you do workout, it motivates you to hit it hard, since you know the next day you get a break.做运动的那天,你有动力认真地运动,因为你知道第二天是休息的日子。

3."If you did get a break back above 1, 180, that would be a stronger signal that the bottoming process has begun, " he said.“如果该指数升穿1,180点,将是筑底过程开始的更强劲信号,”他表示。

4.You don't deserve to have such a fine copywriter, but I like to see all people get a break.按说你不应当得到这样一位好的撰搞员,但我喜欢看到有才干的人能脱颖而出。

5.Leo: Sorry, I was stuck in meetings all day. I was out of the office. I didn't even get a break for lunch. What did you want?李奥:对不起,我整天忙著开会、在办公室,甚至午餐也没有吃,你找我什麽事?

6.As tough as the back-to-back schedule is to start the season, the Cavaliers will get a break on the back end of the schedule.新赛季艰难的背靠背完了后,骑士队可以得到一段时间的喘息机会。

7.Not only to get a break but to be able to work around some people who I really loved and trusted who were good teachers for me.我不仅运气好,而且还能和那么多我喜欢信任的人在一起工作,他们对我来说都是很好的老师。

8.No matter the approach, by stopping to take a breath, you get a break from distraction and get to simply be, if only for a few seconds.无论是办法停下来喘口气,你得到一个从分散休息,自己有责任仅仅是,如果只有几秒钟。

9.You can click on " Click here to see all other devices " to get a break-down of everything else on the network.你可以点击“点击这里查看所有”其他设备获得破裂一切网络上的其他。

10.The result: On a regular basis, most get a break from life's not always pleasant stream of rumination.结论是:在正常基础上,大部分在生活中得以喘息的人不总是属于愉快沉思流。