get a load of
美式发音: 英式发音:na.仔细听;注意看
na.1网站屏蔽ed for telling someone to look at or listen to someone or something that you think is funny or interesting
1.打量 good point 说得好 get a load of 打量 step out of 出来 ...
2.仔细地看 ... Men in Black 3《 黑衣人3》精讲之六 1. get a load of: <美俚>仔细地看[听]; 打量; 估计 2. dreamy: 梦幻般的;梦想 …
3.试试 40. click (两人)合得来 41. get a load of 试试 42. fix ... up 撮合某人 ...
4.注意 dead load n. 静负荷,永久固定的负荷(如房屋.桥梁等) get a load of 仔细地看,注意 a heavy course load 繁重的课程负担 ...
5.估计 Crap 胡扯,垃圾,废物 get a load of[ 美俚]仔细地看[听]; 打量; 估计 have a load on[ 美俚]喝醉 ...
6.瞧一眼 [ bunk: 上下铺], [ get a load of: (俚)瞧一眼] [ luscious: 性感的] ...
7.仔细看 ... blind as a bat: 视力很差 get a load of: 仔细看。 vehicle: 交通工具 ...
8.一饱眼福 Bunk 铺 Get a load of 一饱眼福 Jerk 傻瓜 ...
造句带翻译释义:,仔细听,注意看,打量,仔细地看,试试1.I tell you, (you) work this shift long enough you see some pretty animated things. Get a load of this guy! Light him up.我告诉你,如果你值班值得够久你会看到些很生动的东西。看看这家伙!照照他。
2.If you think the mating rituals at your local singles bar are strange, ha-ha! Wait till you get a load of black widow spiders!如果你认为本地酒吧单身人士的约会习惯很奇怪,哈哈!等到你看到黑寡妇蜘蛛再说!
3.get a load of that doll over there. i wonder what her name is.你瞧瞧那边的那位美人哟!不知道她叫什么名字。
4.Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! .你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!。
5.If they thought Qaddafi was a tyrant, wait til' they get a load of their new masters.如果他们觉得卡扎菲是个暴君,那么等着瞧,看看他们的新主人又带来什么负担。
6.Oh! You're wonderful! -Why, that little show-off! Get a load of this, babe!哦!你太棒了!-为什么,那只是个小小的卖弄而已!拿住这些,姑娘!
7.B: Wow, that's awesome. Can I get a load of it?哇,真实帅呆了。我可以骑骑看吗?
8.Dan: Get a load of that food.阿丹:你看那个食物。
9.Get a load of that dress!你瞧那件衣服!
10.Wow, the car is awesome. Can I get a load of it?哇,这车真是帅呆了。我可以骑骑看吗?