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get across是什么意思_怎么读

get across

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网络释义:讲清楚;说明;使被理解第三人称单数:gets across  现在分词:getting across  过去式:got across  过去分词:gotten across  同义词

v.put across,put over,convey,impart,communicate



na.1.to make people understand something

1.使人了解 find out 查明 get across 解释清楚,使人了解 get away 逃脱,离开 ...

2.使通过 get above oneself 变得自高自大 get across 使通过,使被理解 get along 过活;相处融洽;进展 ...

3.讲清楚 figure out 计算出,想出 get across (使)被了解,(使)讲清楚 give away 赠送,泄漏 ...

4.说明 get a nerve 胆子大 get across 说明;达成;克服 get all in a panic 惊恐 ...

5.使被理解 get above oneself 变得自高自大 get across 使通过,使被理解 get along 过活;相处融洽;进展 ...

6.解释清楚 find out 查明 get across 解释清楚,使人了解 get away 逃脱,离开 ...


1.But even in Poland, the company's offering is nothing like what you get across the border in Germany.但即使是在波兰,该公司给出的条件也远不能与德国边境相比。

2.They soon came to a small brook, and because there was neither a bridge nor a walkway there, they did not know how they would get across it.没过多久,它们来到了一条小溪边,小溪上既没有桥,也没有跳磴,它们不知道该怎么过去。

3.What I am trying to get across here is. . . Mom has lots of knowledge and lots experience for you to tap into and to honor.当我想明白这个道理时……妈妈有许多知识和经验等待你去挖掘和尊敬。

4.Using relevant facts and figures that drive home the key message that you are trying to get across to your audience.用相关的事实和数字让你的听众接受你想让他们了解的关键信息。

5."That's more the point that he was trying to get across, " she said.“这才是他当时想表达的观点,”她说。

6.Dora is not such a person as you, so are bound to get across her.多拉不是你这样的人,因此你必然和她处不好。

7.Now, for many years, we have been trying to get across to such people the fact that language is subtly different in expressions.这么多年来,我们一直在努力使那些人理解这样一个事实:语言在表达方面是有着微妙的不同的。

8.If you Can t express in a sentence or two what you intend to get across, then your speech is not focused well enough.如果一两句话不能把你想说的意思表达出来,那说明你说话的重点不够突出。

9.james : well , i ' m attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him.詹姆斯:好吧,这样说吧,现代美术家尝试表达出他对周围世界的个人感觉。

10.Seeing he could not get across, he turned back only to see dust clouds in the distance, west of the city: his pursuers would soon arrive.玄德到溪边,见不可渡,勒马再回,遥望城西尘头大起,追兵将至。