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get a move on是什么意思_怎么读

get a move on

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v.slow down

v.speed up,hurry up,get going,get moving,get cracking

int.get your skates on,look sharp,buck up



na.1.<spoken>used for telling someone to hurry

1.快点吧 First come first served! 先到先得! Get a move on! 快点吧! Get off my back! 不要嘲笑我! ...

2.赶快 3.gag me with a spoon 我快吐了 4.get a move on 赶快 5.cook up 想出 ...

3.行动起来 adv. 习惯用语 get a move on [俚]行动起来; 赶快采取行动, 采取紧急措施 know a move or two 机灵, 精明 ...

4.赶快走 classic 优秀的、一流的 get a move on 赶快走 go ballistic 大发雷霆 ...

5.快点啊 ... 8. So what? 那又怎样。 2. Get a move on. 快点啊。 3. Sarah was down and out. Sarah 穷困 …

6.赶紧 make the most of 充分利用 get a move on 赶紧,加紧 get on sb’s nerves 惹得某人烦心 ...

7.快一点 ... move heaven and earth 竭尽全力 get a move on (要求他人)快一点 sales target 业 …


1.When he swung out of the enclosure he was on the gallop. By this time some preservative instinct warned me to get a move on.待他冲出围墙便狂奔过来,这会儿某种保护自乙的本能提醒我快溜走。

2.Wow, we have so much to see today. We better get a move on.哇,我们今天要去看看这么多地方啊,我们应该快快走。

3.That student is going to have to get a move on if he wants to pass his finals.这个学生要想通过期终考试就必须得加把劲。

4.The transition to a proper democracy must not be delayed: the generals must get a move on.过渡到真正的民主政府一定不能被延误:将军们必须赶紧行动。

5.Alright then, enough soapboxing from me, let me get a move on with this review.好吧,听过了我的唠叨以后,让我继续这篇评测。

6.It was only on January 23rd that Belgian students organised protest rallies to urge their country's politicians to get a move on.比利时的学生也只在1月23日才发起过抗议集会,为的是敦促比利时的政客们行动起来。

7.Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday.快了,那就赶紧,我要你看着熏咸肉。你敢把它煎糊了试试。我要达力生日这一天一切都顺顺当当。

8.Okay, but get a move on, you don't want to get left out in the cold.恩,赶紧行动吧!你一定不想被遗落在风中摇摆吧。

9.But if Americans don't want to be stuck in their cars, they had better get a move on.但如果美国人不想再被卡在车里动弹不得,他们最好赶快做出决定。

10.Get a move on! We're going to be late!赶快!我们快要迟到啦!