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Get into the act是什么意思_怎么读

Get into the act

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1.参加 get into scrapes 陷入困境 get into the act 参加 get into the saddle 就职 ...

2.属于上流社会的活动 ... go along for the ride 凑热闹而被动的 get into the act 表示参加某些时髦的,属于上流社会的活动 gas 表示 ...

3.插手 just about 差不多,几乎 价目 get into the act 插手… just as 正象;正当…的时 ...

4.表示参加某些时髦的 ... go along for the ride 凑热闹而被动的 get into the act 表示参加某些时髦的,属于上流社会的活动 gas 表示 ...

5.插手…以便得到好处 get into 对…发生兴趣;卷入 get into the act 插手…以便得到好处 get off 下车;离开;开始 ...

6.才是插手 ... get into the act 才是插手 have a finger in the pie 是参与其事, 多管闲事, 干涉, 染指 ...

7.快干 4.ring the bell 成功。 1.get into the act 快干。 2.get it 加油,使劲, …


1.Always eager to get into the act and make a few waves without ever really being part of the 'team'.总是急切的希望能参加表演,从未真正成为“乐队”的一员却能赢得一些掌声。

2.e. g. She spent a lot of money on designer's clothes and liked to get into the act.他花很多钱买名设计师做的衣服,并且喜欢参加上流社会的社交活动。

3.Let department stores and casinos get into the act if they want to.如果百货公司或者赌场想介入这行,