get involved
1.参与 be geared to 使适应。。。 get involved 参与 push forward 提出 ...
2.参与我们 我们的团队 Our Team 参与我们 Get Involved 新闻奖项 Press Awards ...
3.介入 ... wait a minute: 稍等 get involved: 介入;参与 on one’s way: 在某人的路上 ...
4.卷入 do with 与…有关 get involved 参与,卷入 turn out 结果是, 原来是 ...
5.参与进去 ... 2. Know what you can handle course-wise 知道如何能明智地处理课程 3. Get involved 参与进去 ...
6.参与其中 Reach out 主动交流 Get involved 参与其中 Locate the necessities 必需品踩 …
7.齐来参与 基本资讯 ※ Basics 齐来参与 ※ Get involved 组织架构 ※ Organizations ...
造句带翻译释义:,参与,参与我们,介入1."Our present king is so neutral that he doesn't get involved, " Mr. Son Soubert said. "He sticks to his role within the Constitution. "“我们的现任国王太过中立,根本不参与政治,”宋苏北说,“他始终按照宪法的规定来扮演自己的角色。”
2.Speaking as an individual, Suu Kyi called for a ceasefire saying she was ready to get involved to achieve peace in the country.素季以个人身份呼吁停火,她说她准备好参与争取国家和平的工作中去了。
3.And if you get involved in every disagreement of every point of Consciousness, your life's just going to be in a scramble.如果你只是纠缠于这每个意识的分歧点,你的生活就将是场争夺战。
4.The question is now less whether we were right to get involved along the lines we did but "what do we do now? "现在的问题与其说是按照我们迄今的路线进行干预是否正确,倒不如说是“现在该干什么?”
5.But they are such a good and talented bunch of boys, with a good coach and enthusiastic parents, that part of me wanted to get involved.但是他们是一群如此优秀如此杰出的孩子们,他们有一位好的教练和一群热情的父母,这令到我想参与到他们的活动之中。
6.Along with Britain's David Cameron, he made a personal plea to a reluctant America to get involved.与英国的卡梅伦一起,他们向不愿参与的美国发出了个人的请求。
7.Since I'm an actress, I don't usually get involved in writing. They just hand me a finished script and it's my job to act it out.因为我是一名演员,我不是很喜欢写作。他们只要给我一个已经完成的剧本,然后我的工作就是把它演出来。 you do get involved in some of the action sequences, was that a bit of thrill?你参与了一些动作戏,你是不是挺激动的?
9.But if the thing you're passionate about, you think, "Boy, there's only a critical time window to get involved, " sometimes it does work.但是如果事物你到处是热情的,你想,“男孩,只有一扇紧要关头的时间窗户可以积极叁与了,”有时它做工作。
10.After two years of positive results, larger aid organizations decided to get involved with the Presbyterian garden project.在经过两年的显著成效后,一些更大的援助组织决定加入长老会种植计划。