get in with
美式发音: 英式发音:na.和…好起来;【航】靠近
网络释义:参加,加入;与…交往;与……保持良好关系第三人称单数:gets in with 现在分词:getting in with 过去式:got in with 过去分词:gotten in with 同义词
v.make friends with,curry favor,associate with
na.1.和...好起来2.【航】靠近 begin to be involved with a particular person or persuade someone who can help you to be your friend or to like you
1.参加,加入 get away with 侥幸做成;侥幸得手 get in with 参加,加入;与…交往 get to 到达;接触;开始 ...
2.与…交往 get away with 侥幸做成;侥幸得手 get in with 参加,加入;与…交往 get to 到达;接触;开始 ...
3.与……保持良好关系 Get back to: 再与……联络 Get in with: 与……保持良好关系 寄出 ...
4.和…好起来 get into1. 进入;穿上。 get in with1. 和…好起来。 The wine got into his head. 他酒力发作了)。 ...
5.与某人交往 ... get in trouble 惹上麻烦 get in with 与某人交往 get in 进入 ...
6.驶近 get in touch with 向…接触 get in with 驶近 get in 驶进去;进入 ...
7.巴结 ... get about 传开/走动 get in with 巴结 get rid of 除掉 ...
造句带翻译释义:,和…好起来,靠近,参加,加入,与…交往,与……保持良好关系1."It's just as well, " said Hurstwood. "You never know who you're going to get in with. Some of these people are pretty bad company. "“这样也好,”赫斯渥说,“你根本不知道你会认识些什么样的人。他们中的有些人可不是什么好东西。”
2.She'd always tried to get in with girls like Kath, who were so much cleverer with the boys and gave an impression of knowing what was what.她一向想跟凯丝那样的女孩子混在一起,她们比她懂得怎么对付男人,并且显得明白人情世故。
3.KAREN: Thank you. So you think I will be able to get in with this?凯伦:谢谢你。那我就可以用这个来注册喽?
4.I'll just get in with you and take a bath, too.我只是要和你一起洗澡。
5.The Olympic Village is access restricted, you can only get in with proper ID.奥运村的进出非常严格,只有拥有正确身份的人才可以进出。
6.He tried to get in with influential people.他企图结交有势力的人。
7.Have you noticed how he' s trying to get in with the boss ?你注意到他现在多巴结老板了吗?。
8.We would like to get in with the fall publication, if possible.如果可以的话.我想在秋季版上登。
9.James joined a high-class club to get in with influential people there.詹姆士为了结交高级俱乐部有影响力的人加入了那里。
10.said Hurstwood. ' You never know who you're going to get in with.这样也好,“赫斯渥说,”你根本不知道你会认识些什么样的人。