get it
美式发音: 英式发音:na.懂得;挨骂
v.understand,see,cotton on,get the message,get the picture
na.1.懂得2.挨骂,受处分 be punished for something
1.懂得 get in one’s way 妨碍某人 get it 懂得 get home 回家 ...
2.明白 get down 下来;记下;使情绪低落 get it 明白 get over 越过,克服 ...
3.明白了吗 d*amn 妈的,倒霉! get it? 明白了吗? are you mad? 你生气拉? ...
4.了解 remember: 记得 get it: 了解 goddammit: (口语)该死 ...
5.理解 opposite of: 相反的 get it: 理解 find out: 发现 ...
6.挨骂 for the life of one (用于否强调)无论如何 get it 理解,受到惩处;挨骂 give... away 露出马脚 ...
7.受处分 get in with [口]与...交往 参加; 加入 get it 了解, 懂得 挨骂 受处分 get it across [口]使...被人理解; 使为观众所欣赏 ...
造句带翻译释义:,懂得,挨骂,明白,明白了吗,了解1.However, we need to figure out if we are able to get it to the surface, and if we do, then it is a question of if it will be commercial.不过,我们需要断定我们是否有能力把天然气开采出来。如果能够,就有未来是否用在商业上的问题。
2.Taylor: What if I need the money for an emergency before the certificate matures? Can I get it out , then ?泰勒:假如在存款到期之前,我为应付紧急情况,需要用那笔钱该怎么办?那时能不能把款取出来?
3.Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it.我作为外国老师,自信就意味着,如果我没听清楚学生的话,便要沉着地请他或她重复一下。
4.To get it out without affecting the rest of your army, double left-click on the injured unit and get it back to repair.为了让它退出战斗而又不影响其他部队,你可以在手上单位上双击左键,指挥它回去修理。
5.To truly rid yourself of it, you must "get it out of your system. "如果真得想和罪恶一刀两断,你必须“将罪恶从你的行为准则中剔除”。
6.The best way to get her is on her cell phone. Hold just a second and I'll get it for you.你最好拨她的手机,等一下,我马上给你找她手机号。
7.Like, I'm really gonna be devastated now if I don't get it, because we auditioned for 18 months, you know? So it was a long, long haul.就像现在我变得心力交瘁而不能完成,因为试听花了18个月的时间,你知道吗?这是多么长的时间,漫长的过程。
8.Do not repeat the actions that caused her to break up with you. If you need professional help, get it.别再重蹈覆辙迫使她离开你。若你需要专业的帮助,就去咨询。
9.For years, these activists have kept up the whistle blowing on the company to try to get it to reduce the amount of waste it's discharging.这些年来,这些活动家们一直在揭发这个企业以迫使它减少废料的排放。
10.Tossing the caber is the throwing of an impressive, long thick pole in an attempt to get it to land as straight as possible.投棒是投一根又重又长又粗的杆,使它尽可能直立的着地。