get it down
1.搞定它 8.get it down 搞定它 9. Got to be quick,be smart about it. 要迅速,灵活应对. ...
造句带翻译释义:,搞定它1.It's nearly 45 days now from the date we send out the invoice. We've got to get it down to nearly 30 days. It's not easy.现在从我们寄出发货清单差不多要过45天,必须把期限缩短到差不多30天。这不容易做到。
2.We can probably get it down, but it's possible it's gone up to a greater destiny up there -- (Laughter) -- than it ever had.我们也许可以把它拿下来,但也可能它在那上面有更好的归宿--(笑声)--比起它以前有过的归宿。
3.Make sure that you get it down and his signature on it.你一定要把它记下来,并让他在上面签字。
4.Don't worry. You'll get it down in no time.不要担心,你很快就能学会它。
5.a: so you really don't see your way to get it down a bit? if you come down to the old price, we can place an order of a large quality.您真的不能再降一点价了吗?如果您照原来的价格成交,我们可以订一大批货。
6.We see in China things we used to see in ourselves: can do, get it down, hard work, sacrifice, own the future.我们在中国人身上看到了过去自己拥有的那些品质:勇敢,努力,勤奋,奉献,拥有未来。
7.Each time you get it down, you score a point for your tribe.喝掉一杯就能为部落得到一分。
8.Next , I had to get it down to the sea .接下去,我必须让它下水。
9.Suddenly, the kite hung on the tree. We tried to get it down, but failed.我们试着把它拿下来,可是风筝依然在树上。
10.The medicine was so bitter that she could not get it down.这药太苦,她吞不下去。