get lost
美式发音: 英式发音:int.〈口〉滚开;别烦我
v.lose your way,lose your bearings,go astray,go wrong
int.1.<spoken>used for telling sb. rudely to go away, or that you are annoyed by sth. that they have just said not know where you are or how to get to where you want to go; or to no longer know what your aim or purpose is or what to do be forgotten or not be dealt with because there are many other things to think about at the same time
1.迷路 4. Get a promotion4. 得到提升 5. Get lost5. 迷路,迷惑 6. Get the sack6. 被解雇 ...
2.滚开 Get out of my face 从我面前消失! Get lost 滚开! It‘s none of your busine 关你屁事! ...
3.迷失 lost a.迷途的;丢失的 get lost 迷失(道路) just then 正在那时 ...
4.走开 TOP 80 Dweeb 笨蛋;令人讨厌的人 TOP 81 Get lost 迷路;走失了;走开 TOP 82 Zit 青春痘 ...
5.走失 get together 集会,聚会 50. get lost 走失 51. have difficulties in doing 做某事有困难 52. ...
6.失踪 9-4 一饱眼福 Sightseeing 9-5 迷路了 Get Lost 9-6 我听不懂 Language Problems ...
8.迷失方向 3. be at the end of one’s tether 智穷力竭 4. get lost 迷失方向 5. Never say die. 从不气馁。 ...
造句带翻译释义:,〈口〉滚开,别烦我,迷路,迷失,陷入…而忽略了…,走开,走失,失踪1.It was a Bran chapter and man was it good to get lost back in Westeros if only for a few moments.这是一种全新的篇章,这名男子是好的迷失在维斯特洛回来,如果只有几分钟。
2.Well. But I hope we won't get lost. It would be so awful! " and the girl shuddered at the thought of the dreadful possibilities. "“行是行,不过但愿别再迷了路。真是要命!”小姑娘一想到前途未卜,不禁打了个寒颤。
3.So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.所以,当他请班里新来的女孩去看电影而却被告知“滚开”时,我们都嘲笑了他。
4.Even if she had not walked this path a dozen times before, the whole island just was not big enough to get lost on.即使以前不经常走这条路,也不致于在这样一个小岛上迷失方向。
5.It is unusual for letters to go walkabout (get lost)for that long, of course, but unexplained delays of a day or two are common.当然,信件丢失那么长是罕见的,但莫名地延迟一两天是普遍的。
6.The point of this story is that it's easy to get lost in the details of the presentation.这个例子的要点是,很容易在给出了大量详细信息时让人产生困惑。
7.Judging from the plans, the aMAZEme maze in London looks like a maze you could actually get lost in!从计划来看,伦敦迷失自己书籍迷宫看起来似乎真的足以使人迷失方向。
8.He asked her to dance again, she said, "Get lost! "他再次请她跳舞时,她说:“走开!”
9.Trying to achieve goals without writing them down is a sure way to get lost along the way, or worse, never getting to where we need to be.试图达成目标却又不将目标记下必定会在路途中迷失,或者更糟糕的是永远不会抵达我们想要到达的地方。
10.A year ago, he made headlines by snapping "Get lost, you jerk, " at a bolshy visitor.1年前,他对一位反感他的参观者出言不逊:“滚开,混蛋!”制造了头条新闻。