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get it together是什么意思_怎么读

get it together



1.振作起来 )Chin up 别灰心 )Get it together 振作起来 )Don't be a chicken 别害怕 ...

2.打起精神 With flying colors 非常出色 Get it together 打起精神 Have a ball 玩得开心 ...

3.一起分享 ... 06 Corner Of The Sky 天外来客 08 Get It Together 一起分享 09 Goin' Back To Indiana 回到印第安纳 ...

4.让我们一起吧 ... Girl I Cant Help But Wait 我不得不等待 Get It Together,U Can Do Better 让我们一起吧,你可以做得更好 ...

5.聚合 年)、《聚合》( Get It Together,1973 年)和《舞蹈机器》( Dancing Machine…

6.让我们在一起吧 ... Get it together 让我们在一起吧 You can do better 你会感觉到真正的幸福 ...

7.振作起精神 Skywriter( 天空书写者) Get It Together振作起精神) In Japan!( 在日本!) ...


1.Here's the thing, even if I could get it together enough to ask a woman out, whom am I going to ask?问题是,即便我鼓足勇气去邀请某个女人,我又该去邀请谁呢?

2.Even if I could get it together enough to- to ask a woman out, . Who am I gonna ask?就算我能鼓足勇气去约一个女的,我又能约谁啊?

3.But here's the thing -- most people in the midst of a crisis can't really get it together to tell you exactly what they need.可事情却是这样的—大多数处于危难中的人不可能真正地告诉你他们这正需要什么。

4.We've got to get it together: fiber is really important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract.所以,我们必须从现在开始就意识到:纤维是非常非常非常重要的,因为它可以维持消化道的持续健康!

5.I would like to see if this audience would -- no , you haven't practiced, as far as I know -- can you get it together to clap in sync ?我想看看我的听众们是否可以——是的,据我所知,你们没有经过训练——但你们可以同步鼓掌么?。

6.We make a good team, but, I have to admit, it took us a while to 'get it together.我们是很好的搭档,但是,我必须承认,我们花了一段时间来达到‘配合默契’。

7.She would be a very good player if only she could get it together.她若能控制得当就能成为很好的选手。

8.Here's the thing. Even if I could get it together enough.问题来了..就算我想。

9.So why can't we get it together, the way we used to be.那么,为什么我们不一起了解,我们将走的路。

10.it ' s like , " c ' mon buddy , get it together . "就像是,“来吧,宝贝,我们一起来。”