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get nowhere是什么意思_怎么读

get nowhere

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na.1.(使)无进展,(使)无效2.“get somewhere/anywhere/nowhere”的变体3.“get/go nowhere”的变体

na.1.The variant of get somewhere/anywhere/nowhere2.The variant of get/go nowhere

1.一事无成 get nothing on me 尚未找到证据 get nowhere 一事无成 get off on the wrong foot 开始就乱了步骤 ...

2.无进展 take charge 掌管; 负责 get nowhere 不能成功; 无进展 put up with 忍受, 容 …

3.无效 get next to 知道(某事), 了解(某事) get nowhere (使)无进展, (使)无效 get off 下来; 下车 ...

4.不成功 ... 95.hang on to 紧紧抓住,保留,保住 96.get nowhere 一无进展,不成功,无结果 97.day in and day out 每天连续 …

5.毫无进展 get in touch with 与…取得联系 get nowhere 毫无进展 get on one’s nerve 使…烦恼;激怒 ...

6.无结果 get into 穿上,陷入,染上(习惯),对…有兴趣 get nowhere (使)无结果 get off 开始 ...

7.使无进展 get lost 迷路 get nowhere 使无进展,使不能成功 get off (从…)下来;出发;下班;逃脱惩罚 ...

8.背谬,行不通 荒谬;谬误[ absurd;incredible] 背谬,行不通[ don't work;get nowhere] 悖晦[ muddleheaded] ...


1.But I do take this lesson from her: You may be the boss, but you'll get nowhere if you don't bring the men up with you.但我从她这里得到了这个教训:即使你是老板,但如果你没有男人般的威严,那么你可能也会处于劣势。

2.Chinese reform and opening effort and modernized drive would get nowhere without the cooperation of her friends around the world.中国改革开放和现代化建设若无世界各友好国家的合作是不可能奏效的。

3.It's true that you have spent three days in drawing up the plan, but I'm sure you'll get nowhere with it.你做这计划固然花了三天时间,我还是认为不会有什么结果。

4.When people argue with you over grace and works, don't debate back and forth and get nowhere.今后你遇到人想同你辩论恩典与行为问题,不必与人反复纠缠,没有结果。

5.It would be safe to say that you would get nowhere if you are so lazy .么说,如果你这样懒惰,你将一事无成。

6.China will get nowhere if it does not build and uphold socialism.中国不搞社会主义不行,不坚持社会主义不行。

7.If you get nowhere, not your parents fault, so do not only complain of their own mistakes, learn from mistakes.如果你一事无成,不是你父母的错,所以不要只会对自己犯的错误发牢骚,要从错误中学习。

8.Team effort is required, but they'll get nowhere by themselves. Focus their attention and point them in the right direction.团队合作固然重要,但团队成员却群龙无首,你得帮助他们聚焦,指引正确的方向。

9.If we go on talking all round the subject, we'll get nowhere.假如我们围着这个话题继续谈下去,我们会一事无成。

10.You could get nowhere after this manner.照这样下去你将一事无成。