get off on
美式发音: 英式发音:网络释义:以做某坏事为乐;因…而兴奋;被毒品麻醉第三人称单数:gets off on 现在分词:getting off on 过去式:got off on 过去分词:gotten off on
网络释义 enjoy and become very excited about something, especially in a sexual way
1.以做某坏事为乐 <twist the knife: 在伤口上洒盐。> <get off on sth: 以做某坏事为乐。> ...
2.因…而兴奋 ... get in with1. (尤指为图利而)和(某人)友好 get off on1. (非正式,主北美)因…而兴奋(或被 …
3.被毒品麻醉 ... 1. get on: 上车 | 上 | 骑上 | 过活 2. get off on: 被毒品麻醉 3. Get It On: 幸田来未 | 获得它 | 兴奋 ...
4.原因 ... 东西、事情 pay off: 因为、原因 get off on: 感到兴奋、欣赏 humiliate: ...
5.喜欢 ... 67、space-age new 新潮的,先进的 68、get off on 喜欢 70、live it up 享 …
6.去你的 发生性关系 get it on with + 我不相信! 去你的! get off on + 吸食毒品 get off on + ...
7.吸食毒品 我不相信! 去你的! get off on + 吸食毒品 get off on + 因...而兴奋 get off with + ...
8.我不相信 发生性关系 get it on with + 我不相信! 去你的! get off on + 吸食毒品 get off on + ...
造句带翻译释义:,以做某坏事为乐,因…而兴奋,被毒品麻醉1.It was important for me to get off on the right foot with the Democratic leaders.对我来说,在与民主党领导人的交往中取得良好的开端是很重要的。
2.We get off on tangents , like thinking about rolling out a recycling service.我们现在正考虑推出一项资源回收服务,这扯得有些远了。
3.Walk into the Garden Plaza, take the elevator, and get off on the third floor.走进该大楼,坐电梯,在第三层下。
4.Human rights activists have warned that the new Libya could get off on the wrong foot if vigilante justice is condoned.人权活动人士曾经警告说,如果容忍暴民司法,新的利比亚可能会走上歧途。
5.A: Tomorrow is our first meeting with the new client, so let's try not to get off on the wrong foot.明天是我们与新客户的第一次会面,我们得试着别搞砸了。
6.And to my great surprise, even a drinking crowd playing dice games can totally get off on Creative Music.即使正在喝酒玩骰子的听众也能融入创意音乐的氛围,令我喜出望外。
7.Transportation: Get off on Jingzhu Highway at the Maba Exit and drive along the 106 National Highway to Danxia Mountain.交通指南:在马坝出口处的京珠高速公路下车,然后沿106国道到达丹霞山。
8.If you misinterpret gestures of introduction, your friendship may get off on the wrong foot.如果你误解了这些介绍方式,可能你们之间的友谊会出问题了。 I have to be well prepared for the game tomorrow. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot.我得为明天的比赛做好充分的准备,我可不想出师不利。
10.That way, they won't get off on the wrong foot in their relationship.如此,在他们的关系上就不会「下错脚」(搞砸)了。