get off scot-free
美式发音: 英式发音:网络释义:逍遥法外
网络释义 avoid punishment for doing something that deserves punishment
1.逍遥法外(absurd)或扭曲(twisted),他们都能逍遥法外(get off scot-free),毋须负上任何责任;而像舒淇般的受害者(victim)…
造句带翻译释义:,逍遥法外1.Under today's product-liability law, the motorist would doubtless get off scot-free, even if the accident was his fault.还是系统工程师?(在现行产品责任法下,司机当然不会承担责任,即使事故就是他的过错。)
2.On-duty officers responsible for killings almost always get off scot-free.负责谋杀案的长官们几乎总是逍遥法外。
3.However, due to the limitation of the study, men "don't get off scot-free either. "当然,由于调查的范围有限,这个结果并不能说明男人就可以“置之度外”。