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get on the right side of是什么意思_怎么读

get on the right side of

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1.In the rest of the Arab Spring, world powers have managed to get on the right side of history.在阿拉伯之春的其它地区,全球大国都站在了历史正确的一方。

2.They [Microsoft] need to get on the right side of human rights rather than enabling tyranny, which they're doing right now.他们【微软】需要站在正义的人权这边,而不是助纣为虐,而他们正在助纣为虐。

3.This division is unnatural, and they need to get on the right side of history.朝韩的分裂不是一种正常的状态,他们需要站在历史正确的一方。