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get out from under是什么意思_怎么读

get out from under



1.脱离艰困 ... get one's troop 晋升为上尉 get out from under 脱离艰困 get out of line 违规 ...

2.解除困境 ... Get out of it! [俚]别吹啦! 别胡扯啦! get out from under 脱离艰困, 解除困境 get out of a habit 改掉某种习惯 ...

3.度过难关 sit tight 耐心等候 get out from under 度过难关 down and out 身无分文 ...

4.摆脱困境 Let bygones by bygones. 让过去的事情过去吧. get out from under 摆脱困境 be back on one's feet again 重新开始, 另开张 ...

5.摆脱负担 192.earn a living 赚钱谋生 193.get out from under 摆脱负担 194.be better off 情况好转 ...


1.The real question is: Are we prepared to get out from under the covers and step into the dark?真正的问题是:我们是否准备从遮蔽处走出来,真正地站在黑暗中呢?

2.It also was underwriter on its own stock-and-bond offering, as it seeks to get out from under the TARP.摩根士丹利还承销了自己的股票与债券发行,以筹集资金偿还问题资产救助资金。

3.Banks have been repaying their infusions in part to get out from under compensation limits imposed on the bailout recipients .银行一直都在支付它们得到的注资,一定程度上是因为想跳出针对救市基金受益者施加的偿还限制。

4.Its main purpose is to call on people from Sichuan to get out from under the Chinese Communist Party's control.它的主要宗旨是号召四川人摆脱中国共产党的控制。

5.I feel unable to get out from under my work.我觉得我不能从工作中摆脱出来。

6.After 18 months I thought it was time to get out from under their skirts and find some more experience.18个月后我还以为这是时间走出自己的下裙和找一些更多的经验。

7."They have an ability to rejoin the community of nations, to get out from under this isolation, " said U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry:美国国务卿克里说:“他们有能力重返国际社会,摆脱孤立状态。”

8.get out from under all the stones and bricks从石头和砖块下爬出来