get out of the way
美式发音: 英式发音:v.解决;除去
v.1.解决;除去 be or stay away from the area where someone is so that you do not annoy them or make it difficult for them to do something
1.让开 gather way 【航海学】(船等)开动,开始向前行驶,加速 get out of the way 让开,避开 get under way 启航,开 …
2.除去 finish up 彻底完成,结束 get out of the way 解决,完成;除去 put an end to 停止,结束;摧毁 ...
3.避开 gather way 【航海学】(船等)开动,开始向前行驶,加速 get out of the way 让开,避开 get under way 启航,开 …
4.闪开 You hindered me. 你妨碍到我了 Get out of the way 闪开 jump aside 闪开 ...
5.让道 ... To make a long story short: 总而言之 Get out of the way: 让道,闪开点 Hold you horses . 别紧张,放轻 …
6.躲开 13.(沸腾) boil: get out of the way; 躲开 push the door open; 推开门 ...
7.闪开点 ... To make a long story short: 总而言之 Get out of the way: 让道,闪开点 Hold you horses . 别紧张,放轻 …
造句带翻译释义:,解决,除去,让开,避开,闪开1.You can then go near them for a short time, as near as you are prepared to risk it, and then quickly get out of the way.您可以接近它们一小会儿,近到你准备接受冒险,然后迅速离开。
2.You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!你比我想的还懦弱,给我让开
3.With many programmers, their recommended management strategy seems to be: get out of the way.同许多的程序员一样,他们推荐的管理策略像是:躲避。
4."They want their houses protected. They don't want people telling them: get out of the way. . . we want to put a freeway here. "“他们希望他们的房产得到保护,他们不希望听到:让开,我们要在这里修条高速公路”。
5.Get out of the way of your own authentic fulfillment. Sincerely treasure the experience, and there will be much more to treasure.不要总想着真正实现什么。当你真诚地珍惜体验的过程时,你会发现有更多的东西值得你去珍惜。
6.I did not get out of the way, but fell on the palm of your hand waiting for me.我并没有闪开,而是等着手掌落到我的身上。
7.Gone, too, must be the assumption that governments should merely get out of the way of markets.政府就不应干预市场的假说肯定也已过时。
8.On and on came the train. The engineer saw the boy on the track and whistled for him to get out of the way. But Tony stood still.火车越来越近了。火车司机看到了铁轨上的那个男孩,鸣笛让他不要挡可是,托尼仍然站在那里,一动不动。
9.He told Yemen's embattled president to quit. And he asked Syria's president to "lead that transition [to democracy] or get out of the way. "他建议也门四面楚歌的总统辞职,也要求叙利亚总统“要么领导这场(走向民主的)变革,要么退位让贤”。
10.Get out of the way of your own authentic fulfillment.别挡在自己真我实现的路上。