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get past是什么意思_怎么读

get past

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网络释义:通过;从一端到另一端;经过第三人称单数:gets past  现在分词:getting past  过去式:got past  过去分词:gotten past  


na.1.if something such as a proposal gets past someone, or if you get it past someone, it is accepted by someone who has the power to stop it happening

1.通过 dress up: 穿上盛装,精心打扮;装饰,修饰 get past: 通过 apartment: 公寓住宅 ...

2.从一端到另一端 ... 擦肩而过,身边经过的用 pass (从一端到另一端) pass through;get past;traverse (同意议案) adopt;pass;c…

3.经过 44 lead … to … 将…带领到… 53 get past经过 54 seem like … 看上去像… ...

4.甩掉 ... alone: 独自一人。 get past: 甩掉 hurry: 快点 ...

5.使通过 ... last: 最近的 get past: 使通过,【忘却】 I get it: 我明白,我了解 ...


1.So he finally told him to do it because he knew there was no way to get past John, but he certainly would not back down from his morals.所以,他最终求死是因为他知道自己过不了蒋这一关,但他也绝无可能背叛自己的良心。

2.So as you focus on the breath, try to get past the idea that you're in one part of the head watching the breath in other parts of the body.因此,随著你专注气,要试著克服你在头部某个位置看身内其它地方的气这个观念。

3.Her mother did not get past the title before breaking down.她的母亲还没读完标题就崩溃了。

4.ned, " he said, " it sets a bad example, but I feel like the students can get past that and look at what she's done for us as a whole.他说:“当一个人的诚信受到质疑,这就树立了一个坏榜样。但我认为一切都会过去,要看到她为我们做过这么多事。”

5.They often find themselves trying to get past bored, poorly paid guards and officials to see someone or something more important.他们发现,要去见更重要的人或事,常常需要努力通过无聊、薄薪的守卫和官员那一关。

6.The burglar must have been very stealthy if he was able to get past the two watchmen without being noticed.能逃多两个守夜人而不被发现,这小偷一定是非常隐秘的。

7.Forgiving herself allowed her to get past some of the more intense things she had experienced.原谅自己让她超越了过去感受到的更强烈东西。

8.I managed to win the darts tournament this time but it was a flash in the pan and I'm very unlikely to get past the first round next time.这次我设法赢得了掷镖锦标赛的胜利,不过这只是昙花一现,下次我很可能连第一轮都通不过。

9.Once you get past the highly objectionable subject matter, it's hard not to recognize that this film launched American cinema.由于选择了有高度争议的题材作为电影主题,必须承认这部电影推动了美国电影事业的发展。

10.In fact, in the beginning stages, I estimate that two-thirds of the time I was unable to get past the conflicting energy.实际上,在开始阶段,我估计有三分之二的时间我不能克服这个冲突的能量。