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Get out of bed是什么意思_怎么读

Get out of bed

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1.起床 (2) 同本义[ stand up] (5) 起床[ get up;get out of bed] (7) 产生;发生[ produce;happen;take place] ...

2.下床 get off a car or bus; 下车 get out of bed; 下床 The boat sailed down the river. 小船顺流而下。 ...

3.起来 ... 52. everyday things 日常的事情 53. get out of bed 起来 54. science fair 科学展览会 ...

4.快起床 Get out of bed 快起床 Wake up,the Wicked Wicked is dead 醒来 叮咚魔女死翘翘啦 ...

5.起床了 turn off the light 关灯, get out of bed 从床上起来, switch off the alarm 关掉闹铃, ...


1.Every night I drink at least a pot of white water, but do not get out of bed at midnight pee.我每天晚上至少喝一壶白水,但从不半夜下床撒尿。

2.Catheters are placed inside the body to collect waste fluids, so the patient does not have to get out of bed.导管置于体内液体废物收集,因此病人不必下床。

3.After a hypomanic episode, "individuals may experience an episode of lethargy, where they can't een get out of bed, " she said.轻度躁狂发作后,“个别患者可发生昏睡,更有甚者不知道自己身在何处,”她说。

4.About 30 minutes later I get out of bed and find him in the computer room play World of Warcraft.30分钟以后,我下了床发现他在电脑室打魔兽。

5.Oddly enough, however, once you've motivated yourself to get out of bed and start pedalling, matters always improve eventually.奇怪的是,每当你迫使自己起床并开始骑车,情况最终就会有所好转。

6.He could no longer get out of bed and his quality of life had seriously deteriorated.他不能下床活动,而且生活质量已严重下降。

7.Shift it to somewhere that requires you to get out of bed to turn it off.把它放在你够不到的地方,最好要下床才能把闹铃关闭。

8.Sleep time to rub hand cream in your hand, and then wear cotton gloves and get out of bed the next day, when removed, so that helps.睡眠时间在你的手擦护手霜,然后戴上棉手套,下床的第二天,当取消,因此帮助。

9.Sat up in bed in bed legs drop by half a minute, and then get out of bed.从床上坐起后在床边双腿下垂坐半分钟,然后再下床活动。

10.The next morning she could barely get out of bed and that night, she had shaking chills and a high fever.第三天早晨她几乎不能下床并一直持续到晚上,她开始打摆子并发高烧。