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get places是什么意思_怎么读

get places

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1.到各处走动 get places [美国俚语]到各处走动 go to one's own place [委婉语]回老家,死去 ...


1.Board game of strategy and skill. Try to get places from starting line to goal. Watch out for hidden traps. Harder than it sounds.讲究策略和技巧的棋盘游戏。找到开始和终点之间的线路。注意隐藏的陷阱,说着容易做起来难。

2.What is more surprising though is that by riding my bike daily to get places, I see many parts of life in a completely different light.更令人称奇的是,每天以自行车代步,我都会从一个完全不同的角度来看待生活的方方面面。

3.already has, sent standard mail, so it can take up to 3weeks im told to get places ! ?第三期)已经发货了,用的是普通包裹,据说最长有可能要三周时间才能收到!

4.Today, millions of people take to the skies on a daily basis because of the need to get places quickly, efficiently and frequently.而现在,每天都会有成千上万的人在天上飞,因为他们需要快捷、高效且频繁的旅行方式。

5.only 25 percent of young people from poor homes get places.出身于贫困家庭的青年人中却只有百分之二十五入学。

6."Well, " said Carrie, hesitating how to begin, "do you get places for persons upon the stage? "“这个,”嘉莉说,不知从何说起,“你能介绍人上台演戏吗?”

7.I like traveling for pleasure to get places for vacation for instance. But I don't like traveling to work, waiting for buses, or. . .我喜欢去一些地方旅游度假,例如。但是我们不喜欢出差去工作,等巴士,或者…

8.OK, I said, and duly showed up at Michael's a few minutes early because I like to get places first when I am doing an interview.就依你,我说,并提前几分钟赶到了迈克尔餐馆,原因是作采访时,我喜欢先行赶到会谈地。