get pleasure from
造句带翻译释义:1.A German Singer! I shall as soon expect to get pleasure from the neigh of my horse.德国歌手?我情愿听我的马嘶好多了!
2.fruit tastes the sweetest. That means some people get pleasure from doing something that they are not supposed to do.老话讲禁果最甜。意思是某人通过一些不该做的事情而得到的快乐。
3.An author should get pleasure from looking back and finding that he has presented his ideas well.当作者回顾文章并发现自己的想法表达清晰,他也能从中娱乐。
4.We may also have evolved to get pleasure from certain aspects of the natural world.我们也可能已经进化到可以从自然界的某些方面获得快乐。
5.I also get pleasure from learning English.我也会从学习英语的乐趣。
6.We get pleasure from helping others.我们从帮助他人中得到乐趣。
7.Why do we get pleasure from the imagination?为什么我们能从想象中获得乐趣?
8.The students get pleasure from exercise.同学们从做运动中获得乐趣。
9.However, the more sadly, he not only didn't get pleasure from revenge, instead more pain.然而,更可悲的是,他不但没有从报复中得到快乐,反而更痛苦。
10.I can get pleasure from it, so can you.我可以从里面获得乐趣.你也可以来玩!