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get out of line是什么意思_怎么读

get out of line



1.违规 ... get out from under 脱离艰困 get out of line 违规 get out of the habit 戒除习惯 ...


1.Just as dotcom stocks were driven to ridiculously high levels, currencies can get out of line with economic fundamentals.比如网络公司的股票会被炒到令人难以置信的水平,市场价格完全背离经济基本面一样。

2.Does God find delight in punishing nations that get out of line?难道神以惩罚悖逆的国家为乐吗?

3.Enrique: I hope not. And if they get out of line, just tell me and I'll set them straight.我也希望吧。如果他们做的不好就告诉我,我会立刻纠正。

4.What kind of a God is He? I know many people believe that God is up there just waiting for them to get out of line .祂是怎样的一位神,我知道许多人相信,神高高在上,等著他们犯错,就好像圣诞老人列出清单,重覆核对。

5.The Cause Analysis and the Countermeasure of Get out of Line in Human Experiment人体实验失范原因分析及对策

6.Psychological Cause of Readers'Get-out-of-line Behaviors on Network and Their Preventives读者网上违规行为心理成因及其防治

7.When niggas get out of line I check the man当有人撒野的时候我叫来小弟