get ready
美式发音: 英式发音:网络释义:准备好;预备;做好准备
网络释义 prepare yourself or someone else to do something
1.准备好 react to 对…起反应 get ready (使)准备好 by reason of 由于,因为 ...
2.预备 get over 克服(困难),从病中恢复过来,不接 get ready 就位;预备 get rid of 摆脱,去掉 ...
3.做好准备 取得成功。 Be a success 做好准备, Get ready 抓住机遇, Seize opportunities ...
4.准备好了 i ku ze KYO 来吧,京! get ready 准备好了! good luck 祝你好运! ...
5.做准备 be born 出生 get ready 做准备 get together 聚会 ...
6.去准备吧 “get ready”( 去准备吧,你要准备好了哦); “I quit”( 我不干了、我放弃了!…
造句带翻译释义:,准备好,预备,做好准备1.You open your inbox, take a look through your to-do list, and get ready to start the day.打开收件箱,快速浏览你的任务清单,你就开始了新的一天。
2.It took them half the evening to get everything ready for the night; and it took them half the morning to get ready to leave.他们花掉半个夜晚准备晚上的休息;然后又花了半个早晨才准备停当起程。
3.In the months ahead, get ready to get much more use out of your suitcase than you have in a long time.在今后几个月中,准备好你的行李箱,能用很长一段时间呢。
4.And with Republicans gaining ground this political season, get ready for a particularly painful bout of it.随着共和党在这个政治赛季占得先机,准备好打一场特别的硬仗。
5.And for those of you who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over.而那些企图设置障碍的人,你们要做好被打倒的准备。
6.I'm ready to do a few things now and fade away and get ready to be a grandma one day.我就想着现在再做一些事儿,然后就隐退等着哪天抱孙子当奶奶咯。
7.Keep increasing your intensity until you've reached this point. Note your heart rate and get ready to determine your training zones!继续提高您的强度,直至达到那一刻之时。记下您的心率,准备确定训练区域。
8.Please spread the word and get ready to come and show us your musical talent.请传播它的口号,并做好准备来对我们秀出你的音乐才华。 live up to the best is get ready to tomorrow!对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!
10.If you want to stay longer in what you do, get ready to take any challenge, dare to make changes and always be positive.如果你想工作做得长欠,就要准备好接受挑战,敢于做出改变,并一直保持正面乐观。